Azzurri’s blunder, the square in Ferrara does not forgive Gazzetta di Modena

Azzurri’s blunder, the square in Ferrara does not forgive Gazzetta di Modena
Azzurri’s blunder, the square in Ferrara does not forgive Gazzetta di Modena

Ferrara In the end the Olympic stadium of Berlin it hasn’t brought as much good as it did eighteen years ago and Italians will have to cling to something else to experience the magical nights that usually set the summer on fire: football no longer offers the same satisfaction. There National was eliminated by EuropeansIt’s a shame that we couldn’t witness the equaliser achieved in the final minutes against Croatia from the big screen of Summer Festival – the event had been cancelled due to bad weather – and therefore found themselves in front of an entire square celebrating the qualification for the eighth finals; fortunately, on the other hand, that a “depressing” show – as those interviewed by New defined Saturday’s match against Switzerland – did not take place in the setting of Trento Trieste.

The day after the match, the “street coaches” speak: we arrive punctually at the press conference between 11 and 12 – the Ferrara heat makes it impossible to stay outside after midday –, taking up our bicycles. An exceptional press room in the shade of the Cathedral façade, trying to intercept some breezes, and we comment on the elimination of the Azzurri from Euro 2024.

The question arouses dry and unequivocal impulses: «An indecent thing, it’s better to overlook the attitude that the players had on the pitch», he replies Claudio Ferrari. “There are no words,” she echoes Bruno Mari. And we move on to the analysis of the ninety minutes from which Italy’s Mr Spalletti came out defeated: “When you come back on the pitch in the second half after a first half in which you conceded a goal, you expect at least a reaction, but it didn’t come, in fact Switzerland doubled: an amateur match”, Ferrari still judges. “It’s better that it’s over – adds Mari -, at least we don’t suffer anymore: even in the previous matches the team’s performance left much to be desired”.

The negative opinions are shared by the rest of the square. “You can lose, but not like this – he says Luca Marzola putting his hands on his head –. Spalletti has distorted the team and the problems with the players’ positioning are evident.” «He didn’t put individuals in the right conditions to do well – he underlines Henry Paparella –. The result? The ugliest Italy of the last sixty years”. The blame is shared, if not transferred entirely, with the president of the FIGC Countessa: «Until the leaders of the Federation and the political figures within it change, the problems will remain – assesses Stefano Gessi -. And why don’t young people, who are European Under 17 champions and world vice champions with the Under 20 team, not valorised. They play in the other national teams, but here they just watch.” Small note to temper the Italian debacle: «They criticized Tavecchio when he was president of the FIGC, but this guy (Gravina, ed.) doesn’t even win the pork cup, the head cup». General laughter.

Attitude is an essential variable in sport and Chiara Cristofori She, who is a former volleyball player, knows this well: «Little determination, little character – she comments -. The players seemed very focused: they say that the head does everything.” A small delegation from Lecce is also wandering through the streets of Ferrara. Francis Bagordo, Dario Lisi e Antonio Andrioli they agree that this is the “worst Italy of the last thirty years. They took to the field without heart – they say regarding the defeat against Swiss –, without thinking of wearing the blue shirt. Since 2006 the only flash has been Euro 2020 – where Italy instead took home the trophy, ed -, otherwise a downward trend. Even Mister Conte, our fellow countryman, was able to bring out the soul of a group that was technically inferior to this year’s at the 2016 European Championships.” A “disastrous” performance according to George Fazzinwho noted «little effort and many errors in play: it seemed like a Serie A team against a Serie Z team».

Save yourself from the pillory Donnarumma e Calafiori, considered the best of the Azzurri. Moving away from the square, comments on Spal are wasted, just to return to a local dimension as shaky as the national team. L


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