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Sinistra Unita Prato, the news coming from the vote

Sinistra Unita Prato, the news coming from the vote
Sinistra Unita Prato, the news coming from the vote

PRATO – “The administrative vote gives us some important news that we want to place at the center of the debate and of our own political action. The electoral results in fact, have determined a new political structure that moves forward the axis of the center left, through the alliance of a progressive field that goes from the PD to the M5S to the Left, this alliance has obtained excellent results almost everywhere; while, where the PD has maintained the old axis with the moderate center it has lost both in comparison to the center right and to the Left itself.

The reality of Prato with the data of Prato, Montemurlo, Vaiano and the other municipalities where voting took place, can represent in the regional territory not only a model as well as a laboratory towards the consolidation of a progressive alliance capable of beating the right starting from the reconquest of the Tuscany Region in the next electoral appointment. This possibility is anchored to the development of a general initiative of a political-programmatic type, capable of introducing strong elements of discontinuity both in method and merit in the construction of alliances and government programs.

The results of Prato and Montemurlo for the Sinistra Unita lists (AVS, SCE, Socialismo XXI) went beyond expectations, bringing back after many years a representation of the Left in the respective municipal councils. In Prato in particular, Sinistra Unita was decisive for the election in the first round of Ilaria Bugetti.

The mayor’s commitment to valorize the presence of our councilor with a special delegation is a signal that we do not want to underestimate, however the issue of a presence of the Sinistra Unita Prato list in the Municipal Council remains open. However, also in light of what is stated in the introduction to this agenda, we reiterate that our position can only be within the majority as it was determined with the vote.

A position that will see us firmly committed to achieving results and changes of direction around fundamental issues that we have already raised during the election campaign, such as: no to the expansion of Peretola airport; no to the financialization and privatization of multi-utility and local public services starting with water as a common good; the need to relaunch the manufacturing district in the context of the defense of workers’ rights in terms of safety, working conditions and wages; the protection of the soil aiming for “zero consumption” in an area that is already too anthropized and over-concreted; social and welfare policies to support the weaker groups, including support for the third sector and social cooperation; the relaunch of widespread participation in the city’s neighborhoods. We will build our initiative around these issues, certain that they are, together with policies for peace, the priority axis on which to build the Prato and Tuscany of tomorrow”.

United Left, Prato

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