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Mazia Dati is the new president of the Lions Club Massa Carrara Apuania

Friday 28th June The Lions Club Massa Carrara Apuania officially closed the 2023-2024 Lions year with the handover of the presidential mandate from Mauro Mauri to Marzia Dati. Marzia Data is the new President for the 2024-2025 Lions year. “I am very happy – says Marzia Dati – and I sincerely thank all the members for choosing me to hold this important position”. Marzia Dati succeeds Dr. Mauro Maurihas already held various positions in the world of the Lions Club: Club President, President of Zone H and Officer Quest at the District level. PhD in North American Literature, teacher of English language and literature at the G. Marconi Scientific High School in Carrara, she was recently awarded the title of Knight of Merit of the Italian Republic. For years she has brought Carrara to the world through the cultural activities she organizes with the Dickens Fellowship, including the reconstruction of the network of relationships between England, the United States and Carrara. The evening was attended by the Councilor of the Tuscany Region, Giacomo Bugliani, the Past President of Zone Marco Boccella and other officials of the Lions Club International. Also present were the Associations ALDI (Associazione Lunigianese Disabili) with the respective President Paolo Bestazzoni and AIPD Versilia (Associazione Persone Down Versilia) represented by Dr. Nicola Freda and Dr. Giovanni Lucchesi.

The two associations invited to the evening are involved in the important project DOPO DI NOI (Law 112 of 22 June 2016 “Provisions regarding assistance for people with serious disabilities without family support”) which aims to guarantee maximum autonomy and independence for people with disabilitiesallowing them, for example, to continue living – even when their parents can no longer take care of them – in contexts as similar as possible to the family home. The Lunigiana association has just completed a facility for disabled people in Villafranca, while the AIPD Versilia one is under construction near Lido di Camaiore.

The Lions Club Massa Carrara Apuania he strongly wanted to contribute to the AFTER US with a fundraising service that saw the participation of all the clubs in the H zone (Massarosa, Viareggio Host, Viareggio Riviera, Forte dei Marmi, Massa Host, Massa Carrara Apuania, Pontremoli), coordinated by the Past President of the Zone Marco Boccella, who all joined the service with great enthusiasm, including our district 108 La, which contributed with the grant district a sum that the governor, at the end of the year, makes available to the areas for a shared service.

The amount collected allowed us to donate a tub from bath to association ALDI and some technological devices (a computer, a video camera and a tablet) to AIPD who had expressed these needs to the Lions, given that their property is in the process of being completed. The AIPD Versilia boys also participated in the Lions Club service Flying without limits at Cinquale airport. A special thanks from the Lions Club Massa Carrara Apuania to the Councilor of the Tuscany Region, Giacomo Bugliani, for putting the Club in contact with ALDI Lunigiana.

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