“Together we will face challenges with an eye on everyday life”

“Together we will face challenges with an eye on everyday life”
“Together we will face challenges with an eye on everyday life”

Claudio Carboni, a 58-year-old saxophonist from Bologna, a member of the Siae management board as well as the creator and artistic director of several Festivals and projects in the musical and cultural field, is the real surprise of the Council headed by Francesca Marchetti in her first term as mayor. “There was a lack of expertise in cultural policies, and Claudio is a man of high competence and quality”, commented Marchetti in introducing the entire Council and precisely her new assessor who will deal with Cultural Policies, Strategies and Development of Artistic Circuits, Promotion of Beauty, Reading, Theater, Art in all its forms, Book Heritage and Library Services. “The strength and will of the mayor convinced me, culture must be one of the first items in terms of importance in a municipality”, explained Carboni, the only absentee (justified) of the new Council, “but I will be in Castel San Pietro on Monday”, he assured. In the rest of the Council there were no big surprises, and the will to make a clean break with the past was in fact confirmed. The mayor held several delegations (Territorial Planning, Interinstitutional Relations, Urban Planning and Construction, Economic Development, Historic Center and Events, Participation and Active Citizenship, the

Security and Municipal Police Policies, Communication, Health, Sport and Career, Europe and Youth Policies).

The only confirmed member of the former Executive is Andrea Bondi, who will be responsible for Budget and Tax Policies, Program Implementation, Relations with the City Council, Heritage, Civil Protection, Digital Transformation and Innovation and General Affairs, while new faces include Giacomo Fantazzini, 48, a lawyer, who in addition to being Marchetti’s Deputy will be responsible for Public Works, Personnel, Participatory Companies, and also Infrastructure, Roads and Mobility, Land Protection, Fractions and Housing Policies, and Silvia Serotti, 53, Tim team leader who has been assigned the delegations for Environmental and Energy Policies, Animal Welfare, Education for Peace and Non-Violence, Equal Opportunities and Gender Differences. Closing out the quintet is Katia Raspanti, 51, a nursery school teacher, who will be a councilor with responsibilities in the areas of Welfare, inclusion and promotion of community well-being, Volunteering, School, and Educating Community, Legality and Citizens’ Rights, and the Children’s Municipal Council.

There are three delegated councilors: Riccardo Raspanti, 26 years old, in charge of connecting and promoting projects that promote awareness of the opportunities coming from Europe and of supporting and coordinating relations with youth associations, Andrea Dall’Olio confirmed at Sport and Carrera, and clearly Mario Parenti, retired doctor, delegate to Territorial Mediridocina and the Community House. “We will face the challenges and try to never lose the long-term vision we have of the city and the needs of everyday life – comments Marchetti -. An overall view where the whole is more than the individual parts”.

Claudio Bolognesi

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