Bologna Transfer Market – Management working on multiple tables: today’s recap

Bologna Transfer Market – Management working on multiple tables: today’s recap
Bologna Transfer Market – Management working on multiple tables: today’s recap

The transfer market has officially begun, and the Bologna wants to raise the gear even more. The Rossoblù are working to sort out the various issues, both incoming and outgoing. After yesterday evening’s words by John Sartoriwhich have defined what the strategies of the Felsinei can be from now on, let’s go and see how today went.

Bologna Transfer Market – Possible names for the defense

Bologna’s General Manager, Giovanni Sartori, spoke yesterday evening at the Gran Galà in Rimini about the situations of the two most sought-after Rossoblù jewels: Riccardo Calafiori e Joshua Zirkzee. On the first, the Felsineo manager reiterated his desire to keep him but to evaluate the offers most suited to Bologna’s requests, which are close to 50 million euros. This is why the Rossoblù do not want to arrive unprepared for this eventuality: the names followed by Bologna for that role are various, such as Pongracic e Balerdi.

In midfield, however, the Rossoblù do not give up on Alexander Prass: the 2001 Sturm Graz player has been appreciated by the Felsinea management for a long time, and is ahead of the other profiles followed, such as that of Jack Bonaventura.

Bologna, Zirkzee and the future of the attack

As previously mentioned, Giovanni Sartori has released interesting statements regarding the situation of Joshua Zirkzee. The Dutch striker is practically with one foot out of the club, for the DG, for the simple reason called the release clause. Sartori himself has however declared that he is already working to place the pieces in the forward department: Fotis Ioannidis has an agreement with the club, but Panatinaikos’ demands are high. The Rossoblù are also interested in Georges Mikautadzea striker who impressed everyone at Euro 2024.

For the outside lanes, always in front, Bologna continues to monitor the situation Nicholas Cambiaghiwhile a new name appears in the notebook of the Rossoblù managers: Viktor Djukanovicesterno dall’Hammarby.

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