the regional centre-left calls for an abrogative referendum

the regional centre-left calls for an abrogative referendum
the regional centre-left calls for an abrogative referendum

The Emilia-Romagna Region requests the calling of a popular referendum to repeal the law on differentiated autonomy approved by Parliament on the proposal of the Meloni government. This is requested in a document by Marcella Zappaterra (PD, first signatory), Federico Alessandro Amico (ER Coraggiosa), Stefania Bondavalli (Lista Bonaccini Presidente), Silvia Piccinini (Movimento 5 Stelle), Giulia Pigoni (Italia Viva) and Silva Zamboni (Europa Verde).

«The Emilia-Romagna Region has wholeheartedly supported all initiatives, including those of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, aimed at supporting the development of autonomist models, provided that the founding principles of the Constitution are inviolable, such as the promotion of autonomy, the unity and indivisibility of the Republic referred to in art. 5 of the Constitution”, explain the signatories for whom “the Regions have supported the initiatives aimed at recognizing further forms and particular conditions of autonomy on condition of full compliance with the principles of equality and solidarity, without prejudice to the principle of national cohesion, but the subsequent developments of the bill containing “Provisions for the implementation of the differentiated autonomy of the Regions with ordinary statutes pursuant to Article 116, third paragraph, of the Constitution” have however contradicted the affirmation of these principles, so much so that, when expressing the opinion of the regions in the Unified Conference of 2 March 2023, the Emilia-Romagna Region, together with the Campania, Puglia and Tuscany regions, expressed a vote against».

Hence the request to call the abrogative referendum with the following question: “Do you want Law 26 June 2024, n. 86, “Provisions for the implementation of the differentiated autonomy of the Regions with ordinary statutes pursuant to Article 116, third paragraph, of the Constitution” to be repealed?

The group leaders of the majority and the 5 Star Movement also ask “the President of the Legislative Assembly to communicate this resolution to the Regional Councils of all the other Regions, with an invitation to adopt a similar act so that the referendum initiative can be followed up”.

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