New limits for compensation in F24 starting from 1 July 2024

New limits for compensation in F24 starting from 1 July 2024
New limits for compensation in F24 starting from 1 July 2024

As of July 1, 2024, new rules regarding Credit compensations via the F24 formThese changes were introduced by the Budget Law.

Main changes

The legislator has introduced significant changes in the matter of credit compensation in the F24 form by providing for:

– the obligation, for INPS / INAIL credits, to use exclusively the telematic services of the Revenue Agency (art. 1, paragraph 94, letter a);

– exclusion from compensation in the presence of entries in the tax roll for state taxes and related accessories or documents issued by the Revenue Agency entrusted to the Collection Agent for amounts in total exceeding 100,000 euros, for which the payment terms have expired and payments are still due / there are no suspension measures in place.

Obligation to use telematic services

One of the most significant changes concerns the obligation to use exclusively the telematic services provided by the Revenue Agency for payment delegations containing compensations of any nature, also for the purpose of using INPS / INAIL credits in compensation through the F24 form. This means that, regardless of whether the final F24 balance is zero or positive, all F24 payment delegations that include credits to be offset must be transmitted exclusively through the telematic services provided by the Revenue Agency.

The use of banking services such as remote/home banking is therefore no longer permitted.

Presence of expired roles

Also starting from July 1, 2024, the taxpayer will not be able to use tax credits in compensation with the F24 form in the presence of debts with the tax authorities registered in the role or executive assessments entrusted for collection of an amount exceeding 100,000 euros.

Specifically, the legislation provides for the exclusion from the compensation of credits through the F24 form, in the presence of registrations in the role for state taxes and related accessories as well as registrations in the role or charges entrusted to the Collection Agent relating to documents issued by the Revenue Agency. This includes those for collection documents for unduly used, non-due and non-existent credits for total amounts exceeding €100,000, for which the payment terms have expired and there are no suspension measures in place.

In addition to some specific exclusions, the block on compensation does not apply to amounts subject to installment plans for which no forfeiture has occurred.

More news

A further innovation whose effective date is linked to the issuing of a specific Provision concerns the effective date for the compensation of INPS credits which can only be carried out starting from a specific moment, differentiated according to the subject (agricultural or non-agricultural employer or self-employed worker registered with the IVS management or separate management).

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