Alessandria, the composition of the new municipal council

Alessandria, the composition of the new municipal council
Alessandria, the composition of the new municipal council

ALESSANDRIA – Mayor Giorgio Abonante has communicated the intentions and composition of the new municipal council ad Alexandria.

Alessandria, the intentions of the new municipal council

The new Council is ready. In compliance with the electoral mandate, the vote of the citizens, and the first years of Government, the team respects the political boundaries that guaranteed us victory in 2022, the achievement of many objectives, and effective work in the City Council. Our objective is, and will always be until 2027, the respect and implementation of the Alessandria 2030 program. The unity of the progressive field is fundamental, with the protagonism of the 5 Star Movement that was founding in this coalition.

For our City, the unity of these forces, with the incisive presence of Azione, has as its objective for the next three years, in addition to the aforementioned electoral program, the reorganization of the Amag Group – on which we are strongly determined – the creation of a stronger and more efficient multiutility of the Alessandria plain to offer citizens better public services, the liveability of the center and the suburbs – starting with the full implementation of a central ZTL – and a rational and coherent urban development of the territory with the coexistence between industrial development, which brings work, and a better quality of life. Furthermore, the daily pressure on the Region and Amp with the objective of having dignified rail transport in Milan and maintaining that for Turin and Genoa. The Capital must be in a network with Valenza, Tortona, Novi and the other area centers.

The improvement of transport must go through the rapid transformation of the part of the city connected to the goods terminal and a more efficient and frequent service to and from Spinetta. The city center must be lively and the relationship between the three commercial centers (the Cristo district, via Genova a Spinetta and the historic centre) more coordinated, with the protagonism of the towns and citizens who deal directly with the city, who feel it own home. This approach must go hand in hand with greater order and security in the city.

The new hospital is a fundamental project for Alessandria but it must be preceded by better healthcare and an efficient network of territorial services. In strengthening the majority, civic spirit, central to the Alessandria 2030 project, maintains all its weight. I thank the Assessors who remain for us a reference for the project we are carrying forward.

Alessandria, the members of the new council

The Mayor, Giorgio Angelo Abonante, Councilor with responsibilities for Urban Planning; Tourism; Events, Projects, Cultural Spaces and Institutions; Prevention and Civil Protection; Equal Opportunity Consultation.

The Deputy Mayor, Giovanni Barosini, Councilor with powers for relations with ASL and ASO; New Theatre; Twinning, urban decoration, parks and green areas; Trade; Territorial marketing.

Roberta Cazzulo, Councilor with responsibilities for Equal Opportunities; Social Policies; Work and Professional Training; Personnel; Animal Welfare.

Giovanni Ivaldi, Councilor with delegations to the Suburbs; Relations with the State Property Agency and with the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape; Participation and Associationism; Intercultural dialogue; Registry, Civil and Electoral Status; Urban decoration, parks and green areas.

Giorgio Laguzzi, Councilor with delegations to Participated Companies; Progress and Sustainable Development; Environment and waste supply chain.

Enrico Mazzoni, Councilor with responsibilities for housing policies and relations with ATC Piemonte Sud; Public lighting; Policies for Security and Municipal Police; Enhancement of the Municipal Heritage; Crafts, Agriculture and Markets; Cemetery Services.

Irene Molina, Councilor with responsibilities for University Relations; Public Education; Integrated educational system 0 – 6 years; School buildings; Relations with the City Council.

Vittoria Oneto, Councilor with responsibility for Youth Policies; Sports and sports facilities; European projects and territorial cohesion; PNRR project coordination; ETS and Collaboration agreements; Digital transition.

Antonella Perrone, Councilor with responsibilities for the Budget; Finance, Tenders and Purchases; General Affairs; Legal Affairs.

Michelangelo Serra, Councilor with mandates for Public Works, redevelopment and urban regeneration; Removal of architectural barriers and accessibility; Transport and mobility; PA transparency, legality and anti-corruption; Open data, Social innovation, Smart City.

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