Legnano: Owner intervenes to calm the fight, hit with an iron bar on the head

Legnano: Owner intervenes to calm the fight, hit with an iron bar on the head
Legnano: Owner intervenes to calm the fight, hit with an iron bar on the head

Fight at the Pertini Center in Legnano, the owner tries to act as peacemaker but is hit in the head with an iron bar.

Quarrel at the Pertini Center, owner hit with a bar

The fight that breaks out inside the club, the owner who tries to intervene to calm things down but is hit with an iron bar. Moments of fear were experienced this morning, Sunday 30 June 2024, in Legnano. It all happened at the Pertini Centre, a well-known meeting place located in via Dei Salici. It was around 12:20 when two people who were inside the club started arguing, an argument that then continued outside, along the street. It is here that the club coordinator, a 50-year-old Senegalese, tried to calm the two men down. But one of them took an iron bar and hit him on the head. The two arguing people then ran away.

Rescue and investigations

The ambulance from the White Cross of Legnano arrived on site. The 50-year-old was taken to Legnano hospital under code green with a lacerated and bruised wound. The investigations are ongoing and involve the State Police (alerted in the hospital) – who have not yet found the weapon – who are continuing their investigations to trace who hit the man.

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