Prestofresco is looking for staff: over 20 positions open, also in Piedmont

Prestofresco is looking for staff: over 20 positions open, also in Piedmont
Prestofresco is looking for staff: over 20 positions open, also in Piedmont

Shop managers, counter clerks, gastronomy and butchery workers and trainees for the sales service

Prestofresco Spa, an Italian supermarket chain with 92 points of sale distributed throughout the North West, continues to expand: among the most recent activities is the opening of the new store in Mortara (PV), with the entry into a new province, and the renovation of the Borgosesia brand, with a new inauguration of one of the first supermarkets of the Piedmontese group which aims to close the year with another 5 new openings and further growth in staff.

Today, over 20 professionals are sought throughout Piedmont and Lombardy: shop managers, counter workers, gastronomy and butcher shop workers and trainees for the sales service in many of the brands of a constantly expanding group. And along with growth, Prestofresco invests in ethics and transparency, with the recently completed implementation of new internal reporting systems for offences, with a specific IT platform and a new reporting management procedure, in line with Model 231 and the related preventive measures, as well as the privacy system.

The adjustment made aims to increase the level of transparency and ethics of the entire Group, while guaranteeing confidentiality and protection to whistleblowers.

“We are growing, meeting ever greater favour for our offering in the centres where we open” comments Sebastiano Sapino, CEO of the chain that has just celebrated its first 20 years of life. “Now we need new professional profiles: a challenge that is not easy in all sectors, starting with ours. This is why we are also strengthening the ethics that have always distinguished us, and not simply to comply with new regulations: we are present in the territory with almost one hundred supermarkets now, with daily contact with end customers and with a varied series of potential risks. So we have seized this opportunity with great conviction, also in the value of these tools to increase the level of transparency and cross-checking of our business”.

The company was supported in the compliance process by Lexant SBtA, with partner Nicola Traverso, who developed the assessments of compliance with regulatory innovations, the preparation of the reporting procedure and the updating of Model 231. To apply:

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