30-year-old Nigerian arrested in Prato: charges of sexual assault and injuries

30-year-old Nigerian arrested in Prato: charges of sexual assault and injuries
30-year-old Nigerian arrested in Prato: charges of sexual assault and injuries

Last updated on June 30, 2024 by Marco Mintillo

In the city of Prato, on June 30, 2024, a tragic event shook the tranquility of an ordinary morning. A 30 year old man, citizen Nigerian homeless and already known to the authorities, was arrested on charges of sexual violence, injuries e resistance to a public official.

The attack in Ciardi square

In the heart of Pratoprecisely in Ciardi square, the police intervened promptly in response to a chilling report: a woman was being attacked by a foreign citizen. The victim, a 52-year-old Russian citizen residing in Pistoiatold the officers about the horror he experienced just moments before the police arrived.

The victim’s testimony

The woman explained that she was approached by the 30-year-old Nigerian and that she rejected his advances. In response to her refusal, the man brutally knocked her to the ground and attempted to abuse her. Such brutal and inhumane behavior has shocked not only the victim but also anyone who listens to this dramatic testimony.

Resisting arrest and assaulting officers

Not content with having committed such despicable acts, the 30-year-old resisted arrest with all means, showing unheard-of violence even towards the intervening officers. Blows, kicks, punches and even bites were inflicted by the criminal on the police officers, demonstrating a total lack of respect for authority and the law.

Commitment of law enforcement

Despite the attacker’s ferocity, the police acted with courage and promptness, managing to immobilize the man and arrest him, thus ensuring justice for the victim and punishing the culprit for his reprehensible crimes.

This tragic episode highlights the importance of prompt and decisive action by the authorities to combat and repress acts of violence and abuse. It is essential that justice is done in accordance with the law and human rights, ensuring the safety and protection of every individual, regardless of their origin or social status. The fight against violence must be a priority for all of society, so that no one ever has to live an experience similar to that suffered by the woman involved in this dramatic event in Prato.


  • The text mentions several relevant elements to analyze:

1. Prato: Prato is an Italian city located in Tuscany, famous for its textile industry. It is an important cultural and historical center.
2. Nigerian: Nigeria is a country in West Africa. Nigerians represent one of the largest migrant communities in Italy.
3. Sexual violence: This is a serious crime that involves the use of force or threats to compel a person to engage in non-consensual sexual acts.
4. InjuriesInjuries consist of physical harm caused to a person.
5. Resistance to a public official: It occurs when a person tries to oppose the actions of the police in the performance of their duties.
6. Ciardi Square: This square is located in the center of Prato and is the place where the attack occurred.
7. PistoiaPistoia is a Tuscan city not far from Prato, where the victim of the attack, a 52-year-old Russian citizen, lived.
The case described in the article highlights the seriousness of sexual violence and the importance of timely law enforcement action in ensuring safety and justice for victims. It also highlights the need for a strong societal response to such crimes and respect for the human rights of all, regardless of their origin or social status. Finally, it highlights the courage and commitment of law enforcement in combating crime and protecting citizens.

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