Civici Umbri ready to form an association

Civici Umbri ready to form an association
Civici Umbri ready to form an association

PERUGIA – «We have contributed from the beginning to the creation of a Patto Avanti, an innovative and proactive project, necessary to unite all the forces of the center-left and to counteract the stale logic of comfortable and distorting candidacies, more useful for losing consensus than gaining it in the variegated world of the progressive left. The electoral results of the municipal elections have rewarded this reformist vision of the Umbrian civic community of the center-left that has been decisive in the choices of the candidates and a hinge between the liberal area and the social Catholic area».

“Civici Umbri has been the place of sharing and political proposal of that progressive, reformist and moderate area that finds in the founding values ​​of the Constitutional Charter its democratic reference center, and that has allowed the expression of Civic candidacies useful to raise the level and bring a new air of change in Umbrian politics. In view of the next regional elections, Civici Umbri is ready to formally constitute itself as an association, taking the first steps to be the natural container of free citizens, associations and civic representatives in their territories of reference”.
“It is necessary to start again from the territories to reorganize the institutional system, economic programming, territorial planning, budget policies and the commitment of civil society; Every person, single or associated, is a resource with whom we want to collaborate to design the future of Umbria”.

It seems like a century has passed since the split with Andrea Fora’s Civici Per and the consequent positioning on opposite sides in all the latest administrative elections in Umbria of the two civic groups, and history has left the winners and the losers on the field; Today more than ever, Civici Umbri is at ease in the home of the coalition of a Patto Avanti, with which it shares the programmatic objectives in terms of sustainable development, circular economy, innovation, research, public school, public health, gender equality, integration and reception and in which it wants to strengthen the post-party and post-ideological center area, currently orphaned of representation. We are grateful to all the people who have worked and supported us in this electoral round in the various territories, we say thank you for the dedication to all our candidates, we congratulate Mauro Masciotti for the extraordinary result obtained in Foligno and obviously we too with “Emozione Altissima” wish Vittoria Ferdinandi, the new mayor of Perugia, a good job.

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