Cremona Together we win! | Diego Rufo (PSI Cremona)

Cremona Together we win! | Diego Rufo (PSI Cremona)
Cremona Together we win! | Diego Rufo (PSI Cremona)

Cremona Together we win! | Diego Rufo (PSI Cremona)

The electoral victory of the centre-left which on Sunday 24 June sanctioned the election of Andrea Virgilio as mayor, in a battle to the last vote, brings with it a clear split in the city of Cremona, where it leads the way, also in this case, the abstentionism of citizens who are now disaffected from politics.

We thank those citizens who believed and trusted our candidates who with great courage, even though not elected, contributed to the formation of an electoral cartel by bringing the carnation symbol back to the city council and allowing the election of two councilors from the list LEFT FOR CREMONA-GREEN ALLIANCE and LEFT-PSI SOCIALIST PARTY.

The PSI has elected administrators in many municipalities in Italy, here in Cremona in just over a year we have managed to obtain a satisfactory result and to lay the first brick that attests to our presence in the territory.

It is certainly the beginning of a new season that will see us support Andrea Virgilio, opening ourselves up to a confrontation with the democratic and progressive forces of the city. The reflections made by Vittore Soldo, provincial secretary of the PD and the Honorable Luciano Pizzetti, following the administrative vote, place the emphasis on a real problem: we must build together a centre-left capable of dialogue with citizens that rekindles enthusiasm of citizens and equally capable of relating to the forces of the center-right when the interests of the territory are at stake.

We socialists are ready to give our support in political terms, without tactics but with seriousness, patience and commitment, because as the results demonstrate, together we win.

Cremona 30/06/2024

The secretary of PSI Cremona

Diego Rufo

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