Companies with gender certification are increasing in Liguria

Companies with gender certification are increasing in Liguria
Companies with gender certification are increasing in Liguria

A year ago, the memorandum of understanding for the establishment of a permanent regional table on gender certification in companies with at least 50 employees was born in Liguria.
The tool has brought benefits that emerge from the numbers. In Liguria in 2022 there were 14 certifications for gender equality, today there are 284.

Liguria in 11th place in Italy

Our region is currently in 11th place in Italy, but it is among the first if only small regions are taken into consideration. The recognition of gender certification is a real evaluation of the qualitative level of how companies are educating themselves on organizational well-being, which must necessarily occur through the recognition of equal rights and equal duties for male and female workers.

«The birth of this protocol has brought a new collective awareness, necessary to eliminate gender inequality which unfortunately is still rooted in the world of work and, in general, within our society – says the regional councilor for Equal Opportunities Simona Ferro -. I believe that keeping a high level of attention on gender policies and the value of diversity means publicly recognizing it as an essential component for achieving inclusive sustainable territorial growth. I like to remember how the Liguria Region is close to women and therefore to families. Within our institution, for example, we are in step with the times in the field of gender equality, I would say much more advanced than many similar organizations. However, I remain convinced that numbers are important, but they are not the only indicator for equality and that the merit of the person, whether male or female, should always prevail».

The concessions

The certification of gender equality, in addition to being a recognition that demonstrates the company’s commitment in this field, allows for a tax relief from INPS equal to 1% of the taxable contribution up to a maximum of 50 thousand euros (the measure was planned for 2023 and is awaiting extension for 2024).

«I am very happy with how things are going, certainly not surprised because we knew that the protocol would bring important benefits – says the Liguria Region Labor Councilor Augustus Sartori -. We have a final objective for the future: the closure of this table because it would mean that in Liguria there will no longer be discrimination in the workplace.”

The subscriptions

In addition to the councilors Ferro and Sartori, a year ago the protocol was signed by the Office of the Equal Opportunity Councilor represented by Laura Amoretti together with the Territorial Inspectorate of Genoa/Interregional Labor Inspectorate of Milan, Inail, the Order of Lawyers of Genoa, Agi Liguria “Associazione Donne Giuriste Italia Liguria“, the Women’s Entrepreneurship Committees of Genoa, the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa, the Chamber of Commerce of the Riviera di Liguria, Confcommercio Liguria, Confartigianato Liguria, Confindustria Liguria, Confesercenti Liguria, Cna Liguria, Confcooperative Liguria, Legacoop Liguria, the Council of the Provincial Orders of Labor Consultants of Liguria and Conforma Association of Certification, Inspection, Testing and Calibration Bodies. This year, further signatories have been added, such as the Order of Psychologists, the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, Assagenti, Federmanager Liguria, Alfa Liguria.

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