checks on street vendors, cars removed with tow trucks

Local police checks near the Maradona stadium for the Nino D’Angelo concert: focus on parking attendants and illegal sales.

About thirty cars were towed for illegal parking and over one hundred bottles of beer were seized as part of the checks carried out by the Local Police Command of Naples on the occasion of Nino D’Angelo’s concertwhich took place yesterday, June 29, in the Diego Armando Maradona stadium in Fuorigrotta. On the field 56 units, including 3 officers and 53 agents; the device follows the one seen for the Geolier concert.

Yesterday, 7 illegal parking attendants were fined for intercepting spectators near the sports facility; one of them was reported for repeat offenders. In addition, 28 cars removed with the tow truck parked illegally and 39 fines were issued for infringements of the Highway Code; five vehicles were found without insurance coverage and four motorcyclists were caught riding without the mandatory helmet.

110 bottles of beer were seized, sold in violation of the rules and the ordinance of the Municipality, and 3 fines were issued for illegal occupation of public land. Finally, sixteen commercial activities were subjected to specific checks to verify compliance with current regulations.

Geolier concert at Maradona, 90 cars fined and removed with tow trucks. Sanctions for alcohol sales

The interventions of the Local Police they also affected the city nightlife areas. In via Riviera di Chiaia, 6 reports were issued for violations of the Highway Code, in particular in reference to the illegal occupation of public land and unauthorized street advertising. Near Via Ferdinando Russo, 8 vehicles were removed and 4 seized and 14 reports were issued for violations of the Highway Code. Finally, in via Orazio, a commercial activity was sanctioned for occupying public land and for the absence of certification for a self-powered electrical system; the situation was reported to the ASL for further checks.

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