Test plates, Usb: «Incomprehensible measure»

Test plates, Usb: «Incomprehensible measure»
Test plates, Usb: «Incomprehensible measure»

CIVITAVECCHIA – «An incomprehensible measure. A decree that, instead of facilitating port operations related to the automotive sector, actually risks compromising them, putting hundreds of jobs at risk throughout Italy».

He doesn’t mince words l’Usbindeed points the finger and contests the decree that risks bringing to its knees a sector that has recently recovered after the damage caused first by Covid and then by the war.

THE NEWS The new provisions on test circulation were published in the Official Journal on February 14 and have been in force since February 29. Today, many test plate authorizations are expiring and can no longer be renewed according to the old rule of one test plate for each employee, but with the new rule of one test plate for every five employees.

And this also concerns companies that, as in the case of those operating in Italian ports, “carry out road transfer activities of vehicles not yet registered to or from storage areas and for distances not exceeding 100 kilometers. The provision in question – reiterated by Usb – provides that it is no longer possible to issue a license plate for each employee, but only one every five”.

ASSITERMINAL E ANCIP Just in these days the alarm was raised by Assiterminal and Ancip, which highlighted the possible risks, serious and concrete, for the entire port sector. The slowdown in the execution of port operations, with consequent lengthening of the duration of the loading/unloading activities of the cars in the policy and reduction of the productivity levels currently guaranteed by the port users in the automotive sector. The increase in the time spent by ro/ro ships in ports as well as delays compared to the current timescales, with negative effects on the – already limited – reception capacities of the port facilities. The clogging of the port operating areas – already limited in most Italian ports -, with increased risk of accidents and/or damage to people and/or things operating there and/or present during the execution of port activities. The loss of job opportunities for port companies, which will not be able to continue to guarantee the same operating standards and will have to suffer the initiatives of the shippers/receivers of the cars in the policy, with negative effects on the competitiveness of the port companies themselves (and of Italian ports in general) as well as on employment levels and local social dynamics.

In the city, Cilp, which deals with the movement of cars under insurance, is concerned about the effects of the decree, relaunching the cry that has reached the national level and hoping for possible solutions that would exempt certain entities.

THE USB ALARM “In this sense, the alarm raised by the president of Cilp Enrico Luciani and the general secretary of Ancip Gaudenzio Parenti – they added from Usb – is emblematic of a complex situation that deserves immediate and effective responses from all the competent institutional bodies. The result of this mess, with the test plates issued under the old regime now expiring and therefore with fewer workers authorized to move vehicles, will inevitably be the congestion of the yards and above all the crisis of many port companies. At a local level then, the drastic reduction of the plates available to port workers, would dramatically compromise the activity of Cilp, damaging one of the few product areas still relevant in the port of Civitavecchia and generating employment problems in the face of which, as a trade union organization, we will obviously not be willing to remain silent. We therefore hope that the words already expressed by many of the most authoritative subjects operating in the Italian port sector – the union concluded – will be listened to by the competent ministerial offices and that this unpleasant situation will be resolved immediately before it explodes in all its social drama».

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