In Umbria more than one worker in 10 is irregular

In Umbria more than one worker in 10 is irregular
In Umbria more than one worker in 10 is irregular

It is estimated that there are almost 42 thousand illegal workers, producing added value of 949 million euros

In Umbria it is estimated that there are almost 42 thousand illegal workers. They produce added value of 949 million euros. Wealth which obviously escapes taxation, just as their activity is beyond any possible control, starting with those on security. This is the estimate made by the CGIA of Mestre, which processed the Istat data on irregular work.

In Umbria the rate of irregularity reaches 11.4%, 4.6% of the total added value produced. Data that places Umbria immediately after the regions of the South, where the use of illegal work is rampant.

In Italy, it is estimated that there are almost 3 million irregular workers. More than half are concentrated in personal services (36.2%) and in the tertiary sector (transport, commerce, accommodation, catering, 23.1%). Together with agriculture, where irregular workers are almost 17%.

The CGIA of Mestre estimates that the annual turnover attributable to irregular work in Italy amounts to 68 billion euros. Approximately 35% of this added value produced by the underground economy can be attributed to the southern regions. But the phenomenon has now also extended to the Centre-North, above all due to the use of domestic workers (maids, carers, babysitters), a sector where the irregularity rate reaches 42.6%.

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