Valditara all’ITS Academy Biomedicale FVG

Valditara all’ITS Academy Biomedicale FVG
Valditara all’ITS Academy Biomedicale FVG

Minister Valditara visits the laboratories of the ITS Academy Biomedical
The G7 Education at the ITS Academy Biomedicale, the only ITS in Friuli Venezia Giulia that trains expert technicians in the Life Sciences sector
The first example in Europe of a hospital without patients, built exclusively for training purposes, the ITS Academy Biomedical Friuli Venezia Giulia trains Senior Technicians for the management and maintenance of Biomedical Equipment, Data Network Specialists, Senior Technicians of Biomedical Informatics, Biotech Quality Specialists and Wellness & Hospitality Specialist.
Pre-registrations are already open on the website

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Trieste, 29 June 2024 – The G7 Education stopped off this morning at the ITS Academy Biomedicale of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, in Trieste for the G7 Education Ministers’ Meeting, led the international delegation that visited the laboratories of the only ITS in Friuli Venezia Giulia which trains technical experts in technologies for the life sciences.
Laura Cerni and Alberto Steindler declare themselves proud of the visit of Minister Valditara and the delegates of the G7 countries to the ITS Academy Biomedicale in Trieste, included in the agenda of the G7 Education “because it is the flagship of the educational offer of Friuli Venezia Giulia: a recognition of the excellence of our courses that successfully introduce, professionally and economically, all our graduates to the job market”.
«We are honored that Minister Valditara has chosen ITS Academy Biomedicale of Trieste as a showcase of training excellence in our country. The visit to our laboratories by the G7 Education Ministers is an important recognition of the work carried out in the first ten years of life of our institute” comments Alberto Steindler, president of the Higher Technological Institute Foundation for chemistry and new technologies of life – ITS Academy Biomedical Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The ITS Biomedical Academy was in fact established in 2014 and with its training offer it responds to the skills needs of the area, in particular in the biomedical, IT and telecommunications fields for health, promoting the diffusion of technical-scientific culture and continues in the field of life sciences.
“From 2014 to today – continues Steindler – we have trained hundreds of specialized technicians in the sectors of biomedical equipment and medical IT. And now the training offer of our ITS Academy is expanding with new training courses in the biotechnology field, with the Biotech Quality Specialist course, and in the wellness field, with the Wellness & Hospitality Specialist course”.
Teaching includes classroom and laboratory activities, visits and internships in companies.
The courses are designed on the real needs of the labor market, and so, in fact, companies draw on new graduates to satisfy the continuous need for innovation and specialist skills to remain competitive on the market.
Interactive classrooms and laboratories are equipped with biomedical technologies and equipment for practical exercises. They are “workshops of doing” where boys and girls learn by doing and comparing themselves with professionals in the sector.
«Our Lab3 (LABoratory for Advanced Technology in Healthcare REpair Training and Education) is the first example in Europe of a hospital without patients, built exclusively for training purposes» points out Steindler, who adds: «the extremely practical nature of the training, made possible from innovative laboratories, is highly appreciated by the companies that compete for our graduates: more than 90% find employment within a year of obtaining the Higher Technician diploma”.
«The visit of the G7 Ministers to our ITS Biomedical Academy was an opportunity to raise awareness of the educational value of our laboratories, currently unique at a European level» continues Laura Cerni, director of the ITS Academy.
“Here you enter a technologically innovative teaching hospital. With the Radiology Room equipped for diagnostic imaging (CT, X-ray) and numerous ultrasound machines; the Operating Room equipped with anesthesia equipment, scialytic lamps, operating table, neuronavigator, and the Intensive Care Room where students find a remote-controlled electric medical bed, pulmonary ventilators, defibrillators and incubators, the ITS Academy Biomedicale offers an exceptional teaching environment to learn all the skills necessary to carry out a highly qualifying profession and in demand by companies in the sector, namely the Higher Technician for the management and maintenance of Biomedical Equipment” Cerni points out.
The ministerial delegation also visited the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratories and the Biomedical Informatics Laboratory: «both equipped with innovative technologies for teaching in line with the needs of companies to train Data Network Specialists and Higher Technicians of Biomedical Informatics».
«70% of our teachers come from the corporate world – adds the director of ITS Biomedical – and this morning in each laboratory the ministers were welcomed by professionals and experts with whom we plan the training courses together (Alice Palliotto, Technical Director of Logic srl, Massimo Giuliani, Technical Manager of the Intensive Care and Surgery Area of ​​ASUGI, Roberto Pugliese, Deputy General Coordinator, Director of IT of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Andrea Poli, President of O3 Enterprise srl,) who, together with some students (Luca Gaudenzi, Nicolò Antonucci, Riccardo Simonetti and Mauro Ruffini) illustrated the quality and effectiveness of our teaching activity”.

What is the ITS Biomedical Academy of Friuli Venezia Giulia?
The ITS Biomedical Academy is a Higher Technological Institute: a post-diploma school that offers highly professional courses, lasting two or three years, which train superior technicians specialized in the biomedical, medical IT, healthcare telecommunications and quality control sectors. in the biotechnology and wellness supply chain. The close connection with the world of work allows targeted training, aimed at responding to the needs of companies in the BioHighTech sector, thus ensuring employment.
Who can enroll in ITS Academy Biomedical courses?
To access the ITS Academy Biomedical courses you must have a high school diploma or IFTS and pass the entrance selection process, after pre-registering on the website
How long do the ITS Academy Biomedicale courses last?
The courses last 2 years (2,000 hours, of which up to 800 of internships in the company) or 3 years (3,000 hours of which 1,350 of internships). Attendance is mandatory for 80% of the course duration.
What qualification do the ITS Academy Biomedicale courses award?
At the end of the training course, the diploma of Specialization for Applied Technologies – Level V of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) or the diploma of Higher Specialization for Applied Technologies – Level VI of the EQF is issued. Qualifications valid for access to public competitions and recognized throughout Europe.
To learn more about registrations and selections, visit the website

Foundation of the Higher Technological Institute for Chemistry and New Technologies of Life – ITS Academy Biomedicale Friuli Venezia Giulia.
It was established in 2014, thanks to the collaboration between TBS Group, Area Science Park, the Municipality and University of Trieste, the A. Volta State Technical Institute, the Giuliano Isontina University Health Authority (ASUGI) and the Western Friuli Health Authority (ASFO).
The Foundation is based on the Basovizza campus of Area Science Park, a strategic position for cultivating fruitful collaborations with research centers and scientific institutions in the area and encouraging interaction between male and female students and the players in the regional innovation ecosystem . The opening of the new headquarters, in the industrial area, created thanks to PNRR funding, almost quadruples the laboratory area.

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