In six months 47 oral warnings from the Police Chief of Ancona Capocasa – News

In six months 47 oral warnings from the Police Chief of Ancona Capocasa – News
In six months 47 oral warnings from the Police Chief of Ancona Capocasa – News

In six months, 47 oral warnings were issued by the Police Chief of Ancona Cesare Capocasa compared to 60 oral warnings throughout 2023. The last provision was issued a few hours ago against a 45-year-old found in possession of cocaine, material for packaging the doses and money presumed to be the proceeds of crime. The woman was arrested by the Carabinieri of the Falconara Marittima station: she had previous convictions for crimes against property, the Public Administration and drug-related crimes and was accompanied by other criminals.

For so-called generic dangerousness, the Police Chief warned her with an oral warning, inviting her to behave in accordance with the law, which has been violated several times. Based on the evidence collected, the police assessed that the 45-year-old could commit other and more serious crimes in the future; hence the need to warn her with an ad hoc preventive measure: the Police Chief invites her to change her lifestyle; if she does not comply with the requirements, a more serious preventive measure will be applied to her. “It is essential to give an immediate response to such phenomena – comments the Chief of Police – so that they may not happen again and so that our Province is livable, civilized and free from such episodes”.

Meanwhile, during the past weekend, the extraordinary checks ordered by the Police Chief in key areas of the city center continued in Ancona, with particular attention to the time slots where there is a greater influx of people: 87 people were checked by the police, of which 65 with specific precedents. A 34-year-old Bangladeshi was walking on the roof of an off-road vehicle: taken to the Police Headquarters, he was reported for being an illegal immigrant on Italian territory. Given his altered state, the police requested the intervention of medical personnel who transported him to the hospital.

A 24-year-old of Tunisian origin was fined for disorderly drunkenness: in a state of psychophysical alteration due to alcohol abuse, he had harassed employees and customers of a club in Piazza del Plebiscito.


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