over 3 thousand cigarette butts collected in Albisola – Savonanews.it

over 3 thousand cigarette butts collected in Albisola – Savonanews.it
over 3 thousand cigarette butts collected in Albisola – Savonanews.it

On Thursday 27 June, sponsored by the Municipality of Albisola Superiore, the event “On the beach without filters” took place, starting from the free beach adjacent to the municipal equipped one. The volunteers wore yellow bibs and, after setting up the station on the beach using the tables kindly provided by the managers of the “La Marinella” kiosk and taking the classic group photo, they began the “cigarette butt hunt” on the beaches and on the promenade, armed with a net or tongs to collect them.e”.

The press release from Assonautica Savona on the event “On the beach without filters” which took place last 27 June in Albisola Superiore opens with these words.

As always happens, the reactions of citizens have been positive and some are noteworthy – continues the note – a lady let us know that she had hung a bottle to collect cigarette butts near her home and gratefully welcomed the information on our “adopt an ashtray” project. This project includes the possibility of requesting Assonautica to install a bottle-ashtray, committing to taking care of it and requesting its replacement when necessary. We met a smoker who showed us her pocket ashtray, an object that all smokers should have while in reality the majority of them do not know of its existence. A group of teenagers showed interest in our activity, understanding the need to safeguard the environment and our sea. A wonderful positive signal also came from little Leo, a boy of just a few years who collaborated in the collection and brought us his net which contained cigarette butts and other waste.“.

As always, the “booty” was varied and abundant: waste brought by the sea, waste abandoned by people who do not respect the environment (straws, glasses, cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles etc.) and, in about an hour and a half, over 3000 cigarette butts – it is still read – At the beginning of the bathing season Assonautica had installed ashtray bottles on the free beaches of Albisola Superiore to be used exclusively for inserting spent cigarette butts, to direct smokers towards correct and respectful behavior towards our sea. They are used but certainly not by all smokers, the majority of them continue to hide their butts in the sand and the situation is truly problematic“.

We report a short excerpt from the Ministry of Health website: “When butts are thrown into the environment, not only plastic is thrown away but also nicotine, heavy metals and other chemical substances, which contribute to polluting the surrounding environment. In fact, in addition to plastic filters, cigarettes, including electronic ones, contain other highly polluting substances, such as arsenic, lead and formaldehyde.” The fight against the abandonment of cigarette butts is certainly not easy but, with the collaboration of the Public Administrations and the most aware citizens, excellent results could be achieved. It would be necessary to make pocket ashtrays compulsory for smokers, to make traders responsible by providing a street ashtray outside each business and to sanction anyone who ignores the ban on leaving waste“.

Every event in the area gives us the opportunity to gauge public opinion on the subject and we can say that any action aimed at combating the phenomenon of cigarette butts on the ground would be welcomed. Assonautica thanks the members and supporters who participated in the event, thanks also go to the Municipality of Albisola Superiore, which always supports our association in initiatives to defend the marine environment. The next events will be in Savona: Friday 12 July – Scaletto dei pescatori alle Fornaci, Saturday 13 July – beach at the mouth of the Letimbro. Both events will take place in the morning from 9 am. Citizens are invited to participate” finally conclude from Assonautica.

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