Foligno, three transfer hits: We’re aiming for the playoffs

Foligno, three transfer hits: We’re aiming for the playoffs
Foligno, three transfer hits: We’re aiming for the playoffs

FOLIGNO Foligno introduces itself to the fans and does so by announcing the last three transfer market moves. The 2005-born midfielder arrives on loan from Atletico Bmg Mattia Valentini who in the last two seasons has played in the Eccellenza championship with Atletico BMG, making a total of 40 appearances. This is a player who, despite his young age, still boasts important experience.

But not only because the sporting director Simone Angelini wanted to give the coach Michele Proietti also the winger born in 2002, former Branca Daniele Sorbelli. In his pedigree also a presence in Serie C with Gubbio, in addition to the experience in Sardinian Excellence with Nuorese. Finally, as regards the under department, also arriving Samuele Verzieri twenty year old defender of Cannara.

A successful transfer market finale that projects Foligno among the most accredited candidates for the final victory in the next Promotion championship. “We have built the team – explained the president of the biancazzurri Simone during the presentation Filippetti – to reach the playoffs. I don’t make any flights of fancy because the ball is round and many situations can happen on the pitch. We still want to be in the top three positions. We have increased the staff of the club and this is the most important aspect”.

“We know well – added the new vice president Stefano Fabiani – what this city asks for. We know our obligation to do well and I can assure you that we are doing a great job. I’m very enthusiastic because we have a group of fantastic players who are already mixed together, with unquestionable technical skills.” For Fabiani who in recent years has held the position of vice president of Atletico Bmg, it is a return having been part of Tofi’s Foligno: “I am very excited and happy to be back in this city that I love where I was born and raised.

I can boast of this team built together with the sporting director Angelini, the president who provides important resources economically and the coach who has the merit of having saved this club from a possible disaster that would have been irrecoverable.”

“I thank Stefano Fabiani – underlines the marketing director Marco Mezzenga for giving me the opportunity to return to society and giving back the stimuli that I had lost in past years. For my part, there will be maximum effort to recreate that bond with the city and contribute in economic terms to bring as many sponsors with whom we can create a lasting bond.”

The season ticket campaign has also been launched, starting from July 1st with the slogan “Ancient values ​​and new glory”. The cost of a single season ticket will be 35 euros until July 31st, 50 euros from August 1st.

The president and his collaborators – adds Luigi Cornacchini who will have the responsibility for relations with public bodies – they want to make Foligno great again by flying low – and they have had a great head in doing things with the right method. I hope that the support of the institutions will also arrive.” Sporting director Simone took care of analyzing the revolutionized squad compared to last season Angelini: “Last year’s group was correct and for the path that Foligno football had to take at that time. Now I feel so much enthusiasm that I understand why it is right for Foligno to dream. But no one will give us another category because our name is Foligno. We must do it with sweat and sacrifice, but above all by continuing a path that restores dignity, respect and love to this coat of arms.”

Jordan Granelli


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