University of Udine launches monitoring to assess forest health

University of Udine launches monitoring to assess forest health
University of Udine launches monitoring to assess forest health

UDINE. Measure in real time growth dynamics, stability and vitality of trees and understand theirs response to climate change on a national scale.

This is the goal that theUniversity of Udine within the Italian network of TreeTalker (Italian TreeTalker network).

The network consists of a series of experimental areas distributed between the Alps and the Apennines following “Il sentiero Italia”, the most famous infrastructure at national level.

Each experimental area involves monitoring three types of forest: a forest under ordinary forest management, a forest at the upper limit of vegetation (sentinel) and a forest that has established itself on abandoned agricultural land.

The sites in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Some of these sites are also present in Friuli Venezia Giulia and are located in Tarvisio and in the Natisone and Torre valleys.

The sites are managed by researchers from the Department of Agri-food, Environmental and Animal Sciences of the Friulian University, coordinated by Giorgio Alberti.

I Tree-Talker

In recent days the researchers have completed the setup of the sites where they have installed a series of technological sensors, called “Tree-Talker” (“the tree that talks”), an all-Italian innovation in the field of environmental and forestry technology.

These devices are designed to be installed on trees and collect a variety of data crucial for monitoring forest health.

In particular, soil moisture, air temperature, plant growth and water quantity that flows through the stem (transpiration).

This information is then transmitted in real time to data collection platforms, allowing scientists and foresters to gain a detailed and dynamic understanding of environmental conditions and the biological responses of trees.

«The use of tree talkers – explains Professor Alberti – is revolutionizing the way in which our forests are managed, offering precious tools for the conservation and sustainable management of forest resources».

Preventive diagnosis, timely interventions

In fact, the devices allow you to immediately identify environmental stresses such as drought or diseaseallowing targeted and timely interventions.

Furthermore, data collected by tree talkers contribute to improving climate forecasts and developing climate change adaptation strategies.

The entire initiative is funded by the Geoscience IR and National Biodiversity Centre projects funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

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