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Fight between motorists, providential intervention of an off-duty Marshal –

Last night in Minervino, a dispute between motorists risked having disastrous consequences if it had not been for the timely intervention of a Carabinieri marshal who was off duty. The accident occurred around 11pm, when a motorist from Andria mistakenly took Via Garibaldi in the wrong direction, suddenly finding himself faced with several cars proceeding in the opposite direction and causing a significant obstruction to traffic.

The mistake gave rise to an exchange of harsh words, which culminated when the man from Andria decided to chase with his car a man from Minervino who was traveling with his family. The chase ended on Via Bruno Buozzi, about a hundred meters ahead, where the man from Andria got out of his car and pounced on the man from Minervino, inflicting several bruises on his face and head.

The situation was degenerating when the Commander of a Carabinieri Station in the Campobasso area providentially intervened, who, off duty, happened to be passing by on a motorbike at that very moment. The marshal, not without difficulty, managed to restore calm. During the most heated phases of the argument, a knife with a 10 cm blade emerged from the pocket of the Andria man, further increasing the gravity of the situation.

An ambulance from 118 and a patrol car from Norm from the Andria station then intervened on the scene, called to clarify the causes and dynamics of the fight. The timely intervention of the marshal certainly avoided more serious consequences, putting an end to an episode of violence that could have had tragic outcomes.

Monday 1 July 2024


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