In Udine prison double the number of inmates compared to places

In Udine prison double the number of inmates compared to places
In Udine prison double the number of inmates compared to places

UDINE, JULY 1 – Almost 40 people have joined the oratory marathon proposed by the Friulian Criminal Chamber to bring the attention of public opinion and the government back to the prison overcrowding emergency, in the face of data that show that in juvenile prisons alone there has been a doubling of inmates in recent times. A situation also present in the Udine prison which, despite being the subject of a redevelopment plan, “suffers from heavy overcrowding, with 86 places available and 165 inmates, and has seen two inmate suicides in the last year”, underlined the president of the Friulian Criminal Chamber, Raffaele Conte, organizer of the Udine marathon and first speaker. “The president of the Union of Criminal Chambers Francesco Petrelli who promoted the organization of these marathons in cities where there is a court – Conte specified – has repeatedly urged the government, but to no avail. The executive is asked, for example, to take into account that of the 61 thousand prisoners we have in Italy, about 15 thousand have a sentence of less than two years and for these, one could think of reopening district prisons managed by the Municipalities”. The oratory marathons, which began in May, will end on July 11 in Rome; on July 10, 11 and 12, criminal lawyers are expected to abstain from hearings. (ANSA).

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