treatment needed immediately, Torrette solves (after our request)

treatment needed immediately, Torrette solves (after our request)
treatment needed immediately, Torrette solves (after our request)

ANCONA Born in 1968, and an uphill life. The fictitious name is de rigueur to preserve the confidentiality of a woman forced to deal with the dizziness of a head tumor. We will call it Hope, to give this story the most correct direction one could wish for. Bad luck soon began to affect her existence: Speranza suddenly lost her husband at a young age, with three dependent children, and now she needs urgent care, which she fears will be slow in coming. Followed up at the Torrette regional hospital, the radiotherapy doctor in charge of her case is on holiday until mid-July. A detail, this, which in her mind generated the darkness of reason.

The visit

Speranza, to resolve his serious neurosurgical problem, must undergo cycles of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In the last visit she performed a centering CT scan, aimed at planning the treatment which, she is afraid, she will not be able to start because her referring doctor is on holiday. She suspects that important weeks are being missed in the evolution of her illness. An email that remained in the limbo of a wait for a few days, sometimes impossible to manage, undermined her trust. In her thoughts, it is not difficult to imagine, her sense of abandonment prevailed over that of care.

The counter-order

Fate or coincidence can change the darkest scenario. The counter-order comes from the voice of Claudio Martini who, urged by Corriere Adriatico, tries to rearrange the pieces of that mosaic dismantled by desperation. The health director of via Conca reconnects the threads of the narrative, and assures: «The lady will begin her cycle of therapies on July 5th, as had been planned by those who are accompanying her along the way». He adds details to this chronicle of human solidarity. «The patient – ​​he explains – would have been notified by telephone on Monday, but instead the call was brought forward to today (yesterday, ed.)». Interferences of fate, it may be, but what matters is the starting point and the arrival point, mathematics teaches: in the middle there is only space for assumptions that would not improve Speranza’s fate. Martini resumes the rhythm of his reasoning: «Do you think that a service, especially as essential as radiotherapy, is linked to a doctor? If you go on holiday does everything stop? It’s unthinkable.”

The presences

The director sums it up: “Just as therapies are planned, so are attendances in the ward.” The assistance mechanism does not allow for pauses. Speranza has been taken care of by Giovanna Mantello, who directs the radiotherapy department. Whatever interpretation one wants to give to this story, we like to imagine that the heart prevailed.


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Adriatic Courier

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