Ancona / “Eyphemnos” operation, 5 million seized from entrepreneur

Ancona / “Eyphemnos” operation, 5 million seized from entrepreneur
Ancona / “Eyphemnos” operation, 5 million seized from entrepreneur

Ancona – Operation completed Eyphemnoswhich has shed light on the operations of the ndrangheta by St. Euphemia of Aspromunte considered dependants of the Alvaro clan.

On this basis the Prevention Measures Section of the Court of Reggio Calabria has ordered the application of the patrimonial prevention measure of the seizure of the illicit assets attributable to an entrepreneur.

Assets consisting of the entire business complex of 1 sole proprietorship and 2 companies operating in the construction sector, 10 properties, of which 3 land and 7 buildings located in the provinces of Reggio Calabria, Ancona and Pesaro Urbino and more precisely between Fabriano and the Pesaro area.

Banking, financial and insurance relationships and related assets were also seized, for a overall estimated value of approximately 5 million euros.

Based on the investigative findings, the entrepreneur was found to be the leader, promoter and organizer of a mafia faction with decision-making and planning duties to carry out the criminal actions to be carried out.

Furthermore, he would have managed to catalyze a large number of associates eager to found a new benchor rather to formalize that autonomy which, in fact, it had already been practiced by the group for some time.

The entrepreneur also planned the economic activities to be started through which to launder the money and coordinated the implementation of asset disposal documents aimed at evading the application of asset measures through the fictitious registration of the assets to him

For these conducts – at the current stage of the proceedings and without prejudice to subsequent assessments regarding the effective and definitive assessment of responsibility – he was sentenced in the second degree to 19 years’ imprisonment for the crime, among others, of mafia-style association.

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