Ademaro Cordoni is the new president of Confcommercio Lucca and Massa-Carrara

Ademaro Cordoni is the new president of Confcommercio Lucca and Massa-Carrara
Ademaro Cordoni is the new president of Confcommercio Lucca and Massa-Carrara

MASSA-CARRARA – Ademaro Cordoni is the new president of Confcommercio Imprese for Italy-Provinces of Lucca and Massa-Carrara. During the assembly of the association’s board of directors, held at Palazzo Sani in Lucca, the election took place by acclamation. Cordoni boasts long experience within Confcommercio and has already held the position of president from 2008 to 2020, before becoming honorary president of the association for four years, in the period in which the president was instead Rodolfo Pasquini. During the assembly at Palazzo Sani, the position of honorary president was assigned to Umberto Tenucci, while Giuliano Pacini received that of honorary president of Fipe Ristoratori. Cordoni will remain in office until 2028: congratulations and best wishes for a good job to him from the director Sara Giovannini and the provincial president of Massa-Carrara Bruno Ciuffi, on behalf of the entire Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia structure. Provinces of Lucca and Massa-Carrara.


“It is with great emotion that I stand before you this evening to ask for a vote of confidence not in me, but in our Confcommercio. A vote that allows it to continue on its glorious path that began exactly 80 years ago. An important age, this, that makes ours one of the longest-lived Confcommercio in Italy. And this evening we are here to begin a new project, in the wake of a tradition that has seen and sees our association as an esteemed point of reference for all entrepreneurs in the provinces of Lucca and Massa Carrara. Compared to the last time I found myself in front of you, many things have changed, but my love for this association and the spirit of service that I intend to put into this new project have remained unchanged.

First of all, allow me to express my heartfelt thanks to Rodolfo Pasquini, a person who with this evening closes a more than ten-year cycle within Confcommercio. A person who, without a shadow of a doubt, contributed significantly to the exponential growth of our Confcommercio. The objectives for this new project that is about to begin are clear: first of all, to continue solid collaborative relationships with the Confcommercio System at all levels, from national to regional. An indispensable collaboration, respecting the role of each, within a complex and branched Confederation like ours.

Another fundamental theme of this project is to say no to any merger with Confcommercio Pisa or other Confcommercio. To our young people we intend to leave the association as it is now. One of the objectives of this project that is opening is precisely to create a ruling class of expert and young people, and then leave the leadership of the Association in the hands of the latter. Space for young people, therefore, with a view to involving all the territories under our jurisdiction: our team will represent the cities of Lucca, Massa, Carrara and Viareggio, the territories of the Media Valle and Garfagnana, Versilia and the Apuan Coast, to reach as far as Lunigiana.

We intend to add a new parallel body to the interprovincial council, the traditional “governing” body of the Association. A policy body independent in names and tasks with respect to the council, made up of entrepreneurs who know how to indicate new routes to follow. Within a continuously evolving entrepreneurial world capable of opening up ever new scenarios, which the Association will have the task of following. But more than any other goal, the true mission of our Confcommercio will be to support its members, to be by their side every day. There are moments in the life of an entrepreneur – as unfortunately the pandemic has taught us well – in which you are alone. Or you have the feeling of being alone. Moments in which there seems to be no way out and you need help. Confcommercio has the duty to be there, always, in times of need. This is our greatest and most challenging mission: to give our members the awareness that, when they need our support, we will be there.

And to do this we are ready to enhance services, in all our locations. We are ready to do so, knowing that we can count on highly trained officials, led by a director like Sara Giovannini, an excellent leader of a technical team that fears no comparisons”.

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