Pistoia-Abetone, Terrasi and Giomi win and take the Italian title in the 50 kilometers

Pistoia-Abetone, Terrasi and Giomi win and take the Italian title in the 50 kilometers
Pistoia-Abetone, Terrasi and Giomi win and take the Italian title in the 50 kilometers

Pistoia, 30 June 2024 – It was the 47th edition of the Pistoia-Abetone Ultramarathon under the banner of the Tricolore. For the third time in its long history, in fact, the international race organized by the Ascd Silvano Fedi awarded the titles of Italian Fidal (Italian Athletics Federation) 50 km road champion. Wearing the tricolor jersey of the 2024 Italian champions were Alessio Terrasi e Sarah Giomi.

Among the men, Terrasi (Parco Alpi Apuane) won in 3h35’38” ahead of Simone Pessina (Bergamo Stars Atletica) in 3h:40’05”. Among women, Giomi (Cus Pro patria Milano) won in 4h06’24” ahead of Federica Moroni (Dinamo Sport) in 4h12’26”.

They were 800 enthusiasts who pushed themselves to cover all the grueling 50 km which from just 65 meters above sea level in the starting area, the cathedral square of Pistoia, lead to the 1,388 meters of Abetone, to cross that finish line in Piazza delle Piramidi, which represents a myth in the world of ultra marathons. Another approximately 300 competitors stopped at the finish line in San Marcello, at the 30th kilometre, in many cases with the aim of testing their condition and becoming familiar with the route and its demanding altitude, and then preparing the attack on the summit of the mountain Falco, on top of Abetone, for the 2025 edition.

ARRIVALS ABETONE 50 KM – MEN 1 Alessio Terrasi 1990 ITA Atl. Apuan Alps Park 03:35:38 2 Simone Pessina 1985 ITA BERGAMO STARS ATLETIC 03:40:05 3 Dario Pietro Ferrante 1979 MAR Osteria dei Podisti 03:41:33 4 David Fiesoli 1999 ITA Aurora Montale (PT) 03:45:37 5 Filippo Bovanini 1994 ITA Atl. Avis Castel S.Pietro 03:51:12 6 Matteo Di Conza 1981 ITA Varese Atletica 03:54:57 7 Marco Menegardi 1986 ITA GS Orobie 03:58:11 8 Domenico Passuello 1978 ITA GS Lucchese 03:58:49 9 Marco Antonius Sturm 1977 GER 04:01:41 10 Alessandro Benerecetti 1976 Tosco-Romagnola 04:02:22 FINISHES ABETONE 50 KM – WOMEN 1 Sarah Giomi 1985 ITA Cus Pro Patria Milano 4:06’24” 2 Federica Moroni 1972 ITA Dinamo Sport 04: 12.26 3 Ilaria Bergaglio 1981 ITA Atl. Novese 04:32:43 4. Ilaria Zaccagni 1980 ITA Atl Casone Noceto 04:44:27 5 Elisa Crescentini 1979 ITA ARCUS Rimini 04:50:50 ARRIVALS SAN MARCELLO 30 KM – MEN 1 Castro Lorenzo PHI GS MAIANO 2:00’49 ” 2 Mazzola Claudio G. ITA RUNCARD 2:09:33 3 Fiesoli Gabriele ITA MEDICI RUNNING 2:10:19 ARRIVALS SAN MARCELLO 30 KM – WOMEN 1 Mihaela Robu ROU Ascd Silvano Fedi (PT) 2:20’49” 2 Grazzini Linda ITA GP CAI Pistoia 2:21:30 3 Zilio Anna ITA ASD Team KM Sport 2:28:30

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