PRESS RELEASE – Passaggi Festival, Saturday 29th June the fourth day in Fano

PRESS RELEASE – Passaggi Festival, Saturday 29th June the fourth day in Fano
PRESS RELEASE – Passaggi Festival, Saturday 29th June the fourth day in Fano

(AGENPARL) – Rome, 28 June 2024

(AGENPARL) – Fri 28 June 2024 *For the Press: at this link it is possible to download press releases,
images and other festival material*
Passaggi Festival, Saturday 29th June
the fourth day in Fano
Among the guests Roby Facchinetti, Piero Formica, Gianluca Grignani, Brunella
Bolloli, Giorgio Villani, Rita Cavallaro, Marcello Veneziani, Amedea
Pennacchi, Giorgio Volpi, Giulia Ciarapica, Davide Casaleggio.
Fano (PU), 28 June 2024 – There are still many books to open, authors to
to know and the events to experience on Saturday 29th June on the fourth day of
Passaggi Festival, the event dedicated to non-fiction and
non-fiction which will continue in Fano (PU) until Sunday 30th.
The “Futuropresente” exhibition on artificial intelligence and
digital technologies linked to the 2024 theme ‘Error and artifice’;
the appointments with books dedicated to politics and current affairs continue,
science, art, history, personal well-being, philosophy for children,
women’s literature and graphic novels; space for workshops and books
philosophical for the little ones; there will be no shortage of original aperitifs
scientific events organized by the University of Camerino and art exhibitions. Everyone
the events are free to enter. As reported on the festival website,
in some appointments the time has been changed, compared to the program
original, for the Italy-Switzerland match. Among the guests Roby Facchinetti,
Piero Formica, Gianluca Grignani, Brunella Bolloli, Giorgio Villani, Rita
Cavallaro, Marcello Veneziani, Amedea Pennacchi, Giorgio Volpi, Giulia
Ciarapica, Davide Casaleggio.
The program for Saturday 29th June
We start with the usual morning appointment of “Buongiorno Passaggi”:
at 9.30 at the Bon Bon Art Cafè (Lido) Sara Rattaro will present “Io sono Marie
Curie” (Sperling & Kupfer) in dialogue with the writer and critic
literary Giulia Ciarapica.
In the afternoon, the activities dedicated to the little ones will begin: organized by
University of Camerino “Aware Children = Sustainable Citizens” (Memo,
at 4.30pm) which will allow children to discover, through play, some
behaviors that can make our daily lives more
sustainable; followed by the appointment with the “Sound Encounters” for i
very young children (from 0 to 3 years) organized by the Montanari Media Library (6.00 pm).
We also stay at Memo for the appointment with “Questioning why” the books
philosophical for children. We will meet Eliana Cocca and Caterina Manganelli
(5.00 pm) co-authors of “Hannah with two H. Incredible (mis)adventures in
web” (Sonda) in dialogue with Ippolita Bonci del Bene, expert in practices of
philosophy. At the same time in the L’Uccelin Bel Verde tea room
the appointment will be with the “Calici di scienza”: Andrea Catorci (5.00 pm)
professor at the School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine of the University
from Camerino, will talk to us about sustainability between fake news, mistakes and right
behaviors. Aperitif offered to participants.
The events will continue in the beautiful atmosphere of Bastione Sangallo
dedicated to well-being: organized by the Meditamondo Cultural Association ci
we will dedicate ourselves to a moving practice to bring attention to the body,
discover disharmonies and feel what emerges in renewed attention
towards themselves. With Marika Pedinotti (at 6.30 pm). The event will be followed by
presentation of the book by Emilio De Tata (8.30 pm) “Illness as
opportunity. Unlock the emotions at the origin of illnesses for
rediscover the gift of life” (Edizioni Mediterranee). The author will converse
with Sara Rupoli, psychologist and psychotherapist.
Let’s go back to the Memo where the meetings dedicated to. will be waiting for us
graphic novel. Guests: Giulia Ciarapica and Michela Di Cecio (8:30 p.m.)
co-authors of ‘As if we hadn’t been’ (Round Robin), a work that marks the
debut in comics for Ciarapica, literary critic and book influencer already
known by the Passaggi audience, will dialogue with the performer and
writer Nicholas Ciuferri; I Risulei (9.30 pm), Antonio and Fulvio, father
and son who ventured into the comic ‘NapoliTopor’ (Add Editore), a
story that combines the figure of the great and multifaceted French artist with
the city of Naples; Antonio Pronostico (10.30 pm) with his ‘Tu No’
(Tricolour) will make us relive, in memory, the emotions of one of the most
intense singer-songwriters of Italian music: Piero Ciampi. The authors
will converse with comic book critics Virginia Tonfoni and Alessio
For the meetings of “A Room of One’s Own” Amedea Pennacchi is there
will present “Molotov and bigodini” (Edizioni E/O) in a conversation with the
journalists Flavia Fratello and Tiziana Ragni (Cloister of the Benedictines,
8.30pm). We will address the issues of politics and current affairs with Brunella
Bolloli and Rita Cavallaro who will talk to us about “Il “verminaio”. The investigation
on the Anti-Mafia dossiers” (Baldini+Castoldi), talking with Tommaso
Cerno director of the daily newspaper Il Tempo and Andrea Agostini president of the
Marche Cultura Foundation (former church of San Francesco, 8.30 pm).
At 8.30 pm the spotlights will also be turned on at the Pincio for the event
“Fuori Passaggi Music & Social”: Gianluca Grignani with co-author Eugenio
Arcidiacono will present “Remnants of rock’n’roll. Sincere diary of a
artist” (Edizioni San Paolo), in dialogue with the writer Valentina
First appointment for the exhibition dedicated to new technologies and
to the artificial intelligence “Futuropresente”: we will take a trip with Piero
Ant in “Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. An Exhibition
in the Gallery of the Mind” (Pendragon). The author will discuss with the expert
of performance marketing and AI Paolo Dello Vicario (former church of San
Francesco, at 9.30 pm). At the same time we will also talk about science with Giorgio
Volpi, author of “Nature does it better (and sooner). The surprising ones
technological inventions that nature suggests to man” (Aboca Edizioni)
in dialogue with Unicam professor Guido Favia (9.30 pm, Chiostro delle
On the central stage of Piazza XX Settembre, an evening not to be missed: the
The first guest will be Marcello Veneziani (9.30 pm) who will tell us about the
need to rediscover the beauty of relationships in “Necessary Love. The
force that moves the world” (Marsilio) with the journalist Hoara Borselli.
Next up, the long-awaited appointment with the unmistakable voice of Pooh Roby
Facchinetti (10.30pm) who will tell the audience of Fano about himself
through his book “What a spectacle life is. My story” (Sperling
& Kupfer) talking with the journalist Claudio Salvi.
Two events at the same time: Raffaele Di Placido will be at the Chiostro
of the Benedictine nuns where, for the review dedicated to history, she will talk to us about
“The man who killed Mussolini” (Piemme) in dialogue with the commentator
television host and columnist Sara Manfuso; the former Church of San Francesco
will host the wonders of art with Giorgio Villani and his “The places
of the Impressionists” (Officina Libraria). The author will converse with the
art historian Rodolfo Battistini (both meetings at 10.30 pm).
Davide will close the fourth day of the festival from the Pincio stage
Casaleggio who will guide us towards the new era of “The algorithms of power.
How artificial intelligence will rewrite politics and society”
(Chiarelettere) in dialogue with Paolo Dello VIcario and the journalist and
television author Carmelo Schinnà (11.30 pm).
Passaggi Festival is promoted and organized by the Passaggi association
Culture in collaboration with Librerie.Coop and supported by the Municipality of Fano,
Marche Region and Marche Chamber of Commerce. The festival is conceived and
directed by Giovanni Belfiori, the deputy director is Ludovica Zuccarini. The
festival events are free. Full program and any
updates on the website.
*Passages Non-fiction Festival* – Director: Giovanni Belfiori

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