The missing girl. Camilla spotted in Rimini

The missing girl. Camilla spotted in Rimini
The missing girl. Camilla spotted in Rimini

They concentrated on the Romagna Riviera, in particular in the Rimini area. the searches for Camilla Suozzi, a 14-year-old girl from Pianoro, missing from home for over a week. A person photographed a girl in Rimini who looks very similar to her and the searches have now concentrated on the Gelso park in Bellaria.

The girl left home on Saturday 22 June, without her phone, and never returned home. Her parents filed a complaint and turned to the Penelope association, which deals with missing persons. The Pianoro police immediately took action and searched for the girl far and wide in the area but found no trace of her. The Carabinieri investigators therefore tend to exclude that she is still in Pianoro. When she left the house, Camilla was wearing black shorts and a black t-shirt; she has fairly short blonde hair, is about 1.70m tall and has a nose piercing.

There have been several sightings of the girl in recent days, although not all of them can be confirmed with certainty. On Sunday 23rd she was spotted in the university area of ​​Bologna and on Tuesday, in via dè Carracci, in the station area. In recent days she was instead seen in Rimini, where she may have arrived by train.

The lawyer Barbara Iannuccelli, of the Penelope association, shared some information on her social profile. People would have seen her on a bus heading from Rimini to Bellaria, someone would have talked to her and a man would have photographed her. Clues led the searches to concentrate in the area of ​​the Gelso park, in Bellaria. The indications would be credible but last night the girl had not yet been found.

“Camilla is only 14 years old,” Iannnuccelli wrote on social media. “We don’t know who she’s with. She’s a child! We need everyone’s help.”

The appeal of the family and of the ‘Penelope’ association – which is collaborating in the search – to anyone who has news of Camilla or has seen her, is to immediately contact the police.

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