The owner of the company was arrested. The charge is wilful homicide

The owner of the company was arrested. The charge is wilful homicide
The owner of the company was arrested. The charge is wilful homicide

The soldiers of the Carabinieri Company of Latina have arrested Antonello Lovatothe owner of the company where he worked Satnam Singhaccused of wilful homicide against the worker.

Singh had been abandoned in front of his house with his arm severed, resting on a crate used for harvesting vegetables: two days later he died at the San Camillo hospital in Rome, where he had been hospitalized in serious conditions.

What Lovato did “considered as a whole, leads one to presume that he wanted to hide what had happened to avoid the conditions of irregularity and exploitation in which the worker found himself coming to light, as well as the very serious situation of irregularity of the company in terms of safety and health at work”, write the prosecutors of Latina in the request for precautionary custody for the employer.

The latter, writes the deputy prosecutor of Latina, Marina Marrain the request for the application of the precautionary measure, “carried out successive actions aimed at eliminating the traces of the events that had occurred (he proceeded to wash the van, to move the vehicles involved in the accident, to remove the copious traces of blood and to steal the cell phones of the injured person and his wife). In this way he caused, accepting the risk, the death of the aforementioned, which occurred following haemorrhagic shock caused by the amputation of the right arm, resulting from the failure to provide timely assistance”.

Based on the findings of the medical-legal consultancy, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Latina changed the hypothesis of manslaughter and contested the crime of wilful homicide with eventual intent.
According to the consultancy, if the worker had been rescued promptly, he would most likely have been saved.
According to investigators, the decision to omit assistance directly contributed to the determination of death.
The prosecutor’s office is also investigating working conditions.

‘Lovato signaled us to be quiet’

The man who was driving the van (Antonello Lovato, ndr), once my neighbor was transported to his home, he started running towards the van. To better understand the situation, I asked the van for explanations, but he didn’t tell me anything. The man, unknown to us, made a finger gesture in front of his mouth, as if to tell us to be quiet”. This is what a neighbor of the house told investigators. Satnam Singh heard about what happened on June 17th in Cisterna di Latina. “After making this gesture he quickly got into his van and sped away.”adds the witness.


Gangmastering: These Two Gentlemen Must Go to Jail
By Giorgio Bongiovanni

Forgive us Satnam, with you our humanity has gone

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