Parade of 125 Ferraris from all over the world in the center of Thiene

Parade of 125 Ferraris from all over the world in the center of Thiene
Parade of 125 Ferraris from all over the world in the center of Thiene

Parade of 125 Ferraris in the center of Thiene tomorrow July 3rd for an international event that brings fans of the prancing horse to the city.

Ferrari Cavalcade 2024 is the name of the international event that calls the most important Ferrari owners to drive their cars to discover Italy, its excellence, history, culture, food and wine, architectural wonders and breathtaking landscapes of the territories crossed. The initiative takes place from June 30th to July 5th along the roads of Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige and Emilia-Romagna, through a tourist regularity race per 125 Ferrari.

In particular, the organizing company has chosen this year to enhance Thiene with the Passing through town for a stamp check right on the day of Wednesday 3 July in front of the fountain of Bacchus and Ariadne in Piazza Ferrarin (yesterday the “reds” crossed the Belluno Dolomites and today they are in the Ferrara area).
The rampant cars, dream of many Italians and expression of the excellence of “made in Italy” will arrive from Villaverla along the provincial road 349 between 11.30 and 12.30 and will pass through the municipal territory: precisely through via Colleoni, via Munari, via San Francesco, via Roma, corso Garibaldi, piazza A. Ferrarin (where they will stop for the stamp control), viale Bassani, via Monte Grappa, via Granezza, via Lavarone to continue along the SP116 towards Costo/Asiago Plateau.

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