Lazio Region Cabinet Reshuffle, The Moment of Truth

Lazio Region Cabinet Reshuffle, The Moment of Truth
Lazio Region Cabinet Reshuffle, The Moment of Truth

There should be a face-to-face meeting today between the President of the Lazio Region Francesco Rocca and Senator Claudio Fazzone, regional coordinator of the “azzurri”. To analyze a changed political situation in terms of the balance in the majority council groups.

The painting
In the February 2023 regional elections, both Forza Italia and the League elected 3 councilors. And in the council they express 2 assessors each. Then the situation changed and now the “azzurri” have 7 representatives. The FI group has increased. The three elected (Giorgio Simeoni, Fabio Capolei and Cosmo Mitrano) were joined first by Marco Colarossi and Roberta Della Casa, both from the Five Star Movement. Then also Angelo Tripodi, elected in the League. Then Pino Cangemi, vice president of the regional council of Lazio. He is also from the Carroccio. The quota reaches 8 considering the intergroup with Noi Moderati of Nazzareno Neri. The assessors are Luisa Regimenti and Giuseppe Schiboni. As for the Carroccio, it is left with only one councilor: Laura Cartaginese. The assessors are Pasquale Ciacciarelli and Simona Baldassarre. The option of a reshuffle was mooted by Antonio Tajani and Claudio Fazzone, respectively national leader (as well as deputy prime minister and foreign minister) and regional leader (as well as senator) of the “azzurri”. Before the European elections, Antonio Tajani had said: «We are decisive at Pisana and I believe that Forza Italia can ask to have greater representation in the regional government. But I believe that we will talk about it after the elections». While Claudio Fazzone had noted: «According to what the president of the Lazio Region, Francesco Rocca, said, after the European elections we will meet with the allies to evaluate the new balances and for a possible cabinet reshuffle. It is clear that when there is a reshuffle, we will all decide together what the possible new positions to remove or assign will be, or if the same principle of balance remains. The numbers count and if previously the departments and other roles were assigned based on these, now we must take into account that Forza Italia has different numbers in the majority and therefore should have another representation. The same goes for the parties that in the majority, despite having only one councilor (editor’s note: the reference is to Us Moderates), have not received any recognition. So we need to find a synthesis to try to reach a meeting point, represent and share the responsibilities of the regional government. In light of the current numbers that Forza Italia holds in the Lazio Region, this is the least that can happen”.

What could happen
Davide Bordoni, regional secretary of the Carroccio, immediately took a clear position. He stated: «At the moment there is no reshuffle planned in the Lazio Region. Political balances are always determined by the vote of the electors, not by changes of allegiance. Also because, if a method of this kind, wrong, were to pass, it would have to be applied throughout Italy». It is clear that the political initiative is in the hands of Governor Francesco Rocca. Who, before the European elections, had declared: «Let’s see what happens in the elections. However, at the moment I see neither the need nor the urgency to open a discussion that risks breaking the harmony and serenity with which we are working as a coalition. Forza Italia has an important role and I have an excellent relationship with their assessors and councilors. It is not a question of power relations, but of results that concern the sensibilities of our political community. It is not a step more or less that can determine the breakdown of an important body such as the council. I believe that this is a phrase dictated by the emphasis of this moment of the electoral campaign. In any case, let’s see the results”. Of course, we will also need to understand the position of Fratelli d’Italia, which, with 22 councilors, is by far the largest and most important group in the center-right majority. In recent days, there has been renewed talk of the possibility of establishing four undersecretaries. As in Lombardy. An option that has already been circulated when assigning the councilor delegations, but which requires a change in the statute. An operation that therefore does not foresee immediate timescales. The feeling is that Forza Italia will reiterate the need for a cabinet reshuffle. To claim an additional councilorship based on the current numbers. The League is aware of the risk of a downsizing and for this very reason, undersecretary Claudio Durigon appears intent on directing the debate not only at a regional level.

The horizon
Surely the councilors Angelo Tripodi and Pino Cangemi will have their say within Forza Italia. But what could happen if there were no cabinet reshuffle? Could the “azzurri” really (as has been circulating between one rumor and another) start not participating in the council and commission meetings? This is a scenario to be verified. In any case, the outcome of this move to the Lazio Region will be important for the center-right. As for the possibility of a cabinet reshuffle, within Forza Italia among the names being heard is that of Gianluca Quadrini, group leader of the “azzurri” in the Province of Frosinone. There is also Rossella Chiusaroli, provincial secretary of the party in Ciociaria and first of the non-elected in the European elections in the constituency of central Italy. It must be said, however, that the FI representatives of the province of Latina will surely express their determinations.

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