Massimo Mecarini: “Solidarity is one of our pillars…”

Massimo Mecarini: “Solidarity is one of our pillars…”
Massimo Mecarini: “Solidarity is one of our pillars…”

Viterbo – The president of the Santa Rosa Porters’ Association at the dinner in support of the family home of the Little Sisters – Over 150 people in Piazza San Lorenzo

by Daniele Camilli

Viterbo – “Solidarity is one of our pillars”. The president of the Santa Rosa porters association Massimo Mecarini. Over 150 people at the solidarity dinner serving minors in difficulty and in support of the Family Home of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family.

Viterbo – The Porters’ Solidarity Dinner

Organized by the Santa Rosa Porters’ Association together with the municipality, Avis and Viterbo Chapter Italy. Last night in Piazza San Lorenzo in Viterbo. “A dinner,” says Mecarini, “that went well, also considering the coincidence of many events. All the proceeds will go to charity. The expenses are already covered.”

The menu: mixed appetizer, pappardelle with wild boar, wild boar cacciatore style with beans, mixed salad, fried donut with sugar, water and wine.

Viterbo – Massimo Mecarini

“After the transport of the Santa Rosa car – explains Mecarini -, solidarity is one of our main pillars. We don’t do anything without thinking about the solidarity aspect”. In the square, there are also the police commissioner Luigi Silipo and the provincial commander of the carabinieri Luigi Silipo. With them representatives of associations and civil society.

There are also two other solidarity dinners on the program. “The first – concludes Massimo Mecarini – on July 5th in support of the Marenzoni solidarity dental practice. The second, on July 7th after the Dies Natalis pylon test. In that case, the proceeds will go to the Murialdo family home.”

Daniele Camilli

– “A solidarity dinner at the service of minors in difficulty”

June 29, 2024

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