Earthquake, compensation for businesses forced to close for work – Teramo

Earthquake, compensation for businesses forced to close for work – Teramo
Earthquake, compensation for businesses forced to close for work – Teramo

TERAMO. Compensation for activities instead of temporary transfers for the repair of the damage caused by the earthquake and a new window of possibility, until next 30 September, to re-enter the reconstruction contribution for those who had instead renounced it by opting for the so-called “reinforced” Superbonus channel ”. These are the two important decisions taken in the last institutional coordination booth after the 2016 earthquake.
An amendment to the Consolidated Law on Private Reconstruction proposed at the initiative of the mayor of Teramo was presented at the meeting Gianguido D’Albertoin agreement with the Teramo Special Reconstruction Office, aimed at avoiding the relocation of shops and other productive activities that, for the restoration work on the premises, must temporarily close them. The risk foreshadowed by D’Alberto, also in his role as coordinator for the seismic crater of the Anci, the national association of municipalities, is that the relocations become permanent, contributing to the depopulation and progressive urban and social decay of the historic centers. The issue concerns Teramo, in particular the shops on the ground floor of the very central Pompetti building, but also the rest of the regional territory affected by the seismic emergency. Now a compensation in lieu of relocation can be requested by the owner of the business in the case of brief suspensions of the activity related to reconstruction work: this is the change to article 26 of the Consolidated Law on Private Reconstruction approved in the cabin. The contribution will be calculated for the months of actual closure (maximum six) on the average of the net profits deducible from the company’s economic accounts in the previous three years, in the same period of closure. “We have collected a need that has come to us on several occasions from the territory, finding a reasonable solution for those who find themselves suspending their activity for the reconstruction works”, said the extraordinary commissioner for reconstruction Guido Castelli«shops and production activities now have a more convenient tool and I believe also more favorable than delocalization, which when it is a matter of a few months can be unnecessarily expensive».
An order by Commissioner Castelli, on which the earthquake cabinet reached an agreement, establishes a new window (initially closed on March 31, 2024) to re-enter the earthquake contribution following the reform of the Superbonus, which effectively eliminated the option of using the “strengthened” Superbonus as an alternative to the reconstruction contribution. For this reason, the commissioner structure, in agreement with the Regions of the 2016 crater, wanted to grant a further parenthesis to allow those who prefer to re-enter the earthquake contribution to do so and thus proceed with the reconstruction. “The changes to the Superbonus regulation that occurred in recent months have made special attention necessary for those who had initially renounced the contribution, and who will now be able to exercise a change of heart”, explains Commissioner Castelli, “those who had chosen the strengthened Superbonus channel, renouncing the contribution, will now be able to return to the “standard” contribution. I thank the presidents of the Abruzzo, Marche, Lazio and Umbria regions with whom I shared these decisions in the cabin”.

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