Thanks to Lions Day in Novara, a guide dog was donated to a visually impaired person

Thanks to Lions Day in Novara, a guide dog was donated to a visually impaired person
Thanks to Lions Day in Novara, a guide dog was donated to a visually impaired person

The Lions Day that took place in Novara recently involved the four Novara clubs, LC Novara Broletto, LC Novara Host, LC Novara Ovest Ticino and LC Novara Ticino, which were joined on April 14 by LC Vercelli in the traditional “Paniscia versus Panissa” challenge.

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Lions day in Novara, time to take stock

On the first day there was the novelty of the Veterinary Campus, an event dedicated to the care of pet animals with the broader aim of spreading the culture of global health, interconnected and not centered only on the human being, because the health of these The latter cannot ignore the health of animals and the environment in which we live. In this regard, in addition to advice from veterinary doctors on the healthiest habits for our 4-legged friends, extensive information was disseminated on the environment in general, fauna and flora. The response of the citizens allowed a first important collection of offers.

The day then continued with the challenge “Paniscia against Panissa”, which in addition to giving the over 220 participants a moment of fun conviviality, allowed the promotion of local products from the two provinces, involving many local producers and the Pro Loco. The exceptional participation allowed a significant collection of donations, which after deducting expenses led, together with the Veterinary Campus, to €6,500 in net donations.

Important donation

The entire proceeds of the day allowed the completion of a two-year project started by the two promoting clubs, Novara Broletto and Novara Ticino, which were joined first by the other two city clubs, Novara Host and Novara Ovest Ticino, and finally by LC Vercelli, with a substantial contribution aimed at donating a guide dog to a visually impaired person.

The donation of €12,000, already made to the Lions Guide Dog Center of Limbiate, a national and European excellence, falls within the oldest area of ​​intervention of the Lions, blindness, and perfectly embodies the spirit of selfless service of the association, as it donate the dog without knowing who it will go to. The recipient is in fact chosen by the Guide Dog Center on the basis of a ranking that takes into account the most urgent need for support of the registered people.

“We realize what a four-legged angel means when we give it to these people” – says the President of the Center, John Fossati – “Every time a single guide dog is entrusted to a blind person, a true miracle occurs”

In 60 years of activity, the Center has already assigned over 2,000 guide dogs.

Specialist visits

The second day of Lions Day saw the Novara Lions engaged in the Medical Campus, a traditional event in which the participating Lions and non-Lions doctors offer specialist visits in many specialties, including children’s ophthalmology, breast medicine, cardiology, orthopaedics, osteoporosis, diabetes , ENT laryngology. This year too, almost 400 services were administered in a single day, as well as raising a significant amount in donations which were donated to the Italian Red Cross.

The Novara Lions, who care a lot about this form of collaboration and identification only in the name of Lions International, without any more distinction between the individual operating clubs, would like to thank the Municipality of Novara, the Maggiore della Carità Hospital, the ASL of Novara, the Castello Foundation, the Order of Veterinary Surgeons, the sponsors who generously contributed to the event and all those who with their commitment made these incredible results possible, but also and above all the citizens of Novara who understood the spirit of the initiatives and made them a real success with their vast participation.

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