Europe wants to apply mass control on our chats

The European Union is preparing to approve a controversial new directive, called Upload Moderation, which sparked a heated debate between child protection advocates and privacy advocates. This proposal, designed to combat online pedophiliawould force messaging platforms to scan user-submitted content before encrypting it. The goal is to identify and block child pornography and other illegal content.

The functioning of the Upload Moderation requires that the analysis takes place directly on the users’ devices, thus avoiding sending unencrypted data to the platforms’ servers. In case of detection of illegal material, the platform will have to report it to the competent authorities. Despite the laudable intent, the proposal raises several concerns.

Primarily, Upload Moderation represents a threat to privacy. Preemptive analysis of messages, although performed on the device, could create vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers or governments to monitor private communications. Furthermore, this technology is not foolproof and it may block legitimate content or be circumvented by criminals. Another critical point concerns the impact on end-to-end encryptiona fundamental element for the security of online communications.

A serious alarm for the defense of privacy and digital rights?

Various privacy and digital rights organizations, such as Electronic Frontier Foundation And Mozilla Foundationhave expressed serious concerns about the Upload Moderation. Political and technical figures, such as Signal President Meredith Whittaker, have also raised doubts about the effectiveness of the directive and the risks to privacy.

Despite the criticism, the European Council seems intent on approving the directive. The European Parliament, on the other hand, has shown concerns and may require significant changes.

The debate is set to continue, as Upload Moderation represents a dilemma between protecting minors and safeguarding privacy and freedom of expression online. Finding a balance between these two fundamental needs will be a crucial challenge for Europe.

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