The community of Sersale bids farewell to Roberto, who tragically died in an accident

The community of Sersale bids farewell to Roberto, who tragically died in an accident
The community of Sersale bids farewell to Roberto, who tragically died in an accident

All behind one banner: “ Let’s make sure that no other mother has to mourn her child: justice for Roberto”.

Pray, reflect and raise awareness: all in one procession.

The community of Sersale mobilized with many expressions of civil society. It did it for those who can no longer speak or even act: Roberto Spadafora.

A moving torchlight procession was dedicated to the young citizen of Sersale, who died last May 26 in a tragic and violent road accident on the provincial road between Cropani and Sersale, organized yesterday evening, Thursday 27 June 2024, from 9 pm onwards. The procession of prayer and mobilization, led by the parish priests Don Stevean and Don Antony, started from the space adjacent to the Mother Church to reach Piazza Carmela Borelli, passing through the tourist information center. Eighty minutes of heartfelt reflections and a common path to collectively express closeness, sharing and indignation, feelings summarized in a banner: “ Let’s make sure no other mother has to mourn her child: Justice for Roberto”.

A heartbreaking and well-attended torchlight procession.

Heartbreaking because the pain is too heavy a burden for the painful passing of a boy, just 26 years old, very young and much appreciated in the village. Roberto had a degree in computer engineering and was involved in the Sersalese civic community. In the presence of his parents and other relatives, friends, priests, relatives, the mayor Carmine Capellupo, the president of the Pro-loco Alessandro Galeano and the other members of the non-profit association, of which Roberto was a member as a civil service volunteer, spoke about it.

Each stop of the procession, a thought without a hint of rhetoric for Roberto by those who knew him well and always appreciated his sensitivity and human qualities.

A boy who loved to give to others without asking for anything in return, who fought for the right things, who was committed to promoting change: Sersale does not forget Roberto Spadafora and, as the organizers of the event have said, this summer will dedicate the 20th edition of the ancient trades exhibition to him.

A torchlight procession with so much participation that it looked like a procession. In the square there were those responsible for the Pro-loco as the association promoting the choral moment of reflection, plus the Parish of Santa Maria del Carmelo, but also the municipal administration, the Carabinieri, the Yellow Cross, other associations and ordinary citizens , also arrived from neighboring countries. There was an entire country with hearts in turmoil and eyes marked by tears.

The purpose of the event was to promote a moment of reflection and to raise awareness for Roberto and all victims of the road so that such terrible stories never happen again.

How? By talking about road safety education in schools and squares, but also by dealing with issues such as justice, legality, community and respect for life.

In 2023 alone, more than 3 thousand deaths from road accidents were recorded in Italy: eight deaths per day. A fatality?

Not exactly for the community of Sersale that wants to lead a battle of civilization and emancipation in the name of a boy who inspires humanity and civic commitment even from afar: Sersale for Roberto, Roberto for Sersale.

It happens in the populous Pre-Sila town: memory and love unite what death has divided.

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