Autonomy, Calabria needs “a committee to fight it”

Autonomy, Calabria needs “a committee to fight it”
Autonomy, Calabria needs “a committee to fight it”

The voices and protests of those who would like to put a stop to it, especially in Calabria, are not quieting down. to differentiated autonomy. The chorus of dissidents also joins Cgil Pollino-Sibaritide-Tirreno which defines the law, together with the premiership, “a deep wound to democracy. A rule that hurts the whole country, not just the south, dividing it and making it weaker, which compromises the Constitution born from the resistance and violates the rights of citizens.”

“To pay the consequences of the approved law – the note continues – they will above all be pensioners and pensioners, workers and workers. The right to public health, education, environmental protection and workplace safety are put at risk. A more unjust country is being plannedmore unequal, where those who have less are left alone with their difficulties”.

For this reason, the mobilization against differentiated autonomy becomes a necessity and in Castrovillari, as in the whole Pollino area, we believe it is appropriate the establishment of a “democratic committee against differentiated autonomy”; a place open to everyone, to parties, associations, trade unions and employers’ organizations, movements, the Church, institutional representatives of the territory; a space for reflection in which to meet to decide together the path to take, the methods of contrast, the information and discussion initiatives”.

We therefore invite – concludes the note also signed by the club Castrovillari Democratic Partyhow many have at heart the destiny of the country, the future of the new generations to meet on July 8, 2024 in Castrovillari in the council chamber at 6:30 pm to formally establish the committee and plan the necessary next initiatives. We cannot stop!

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