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Stop the protected market, from today there is the service with gradual protections

Stop the protected market, from today there is the service with gradual protections
Stop the protected market, from today there is the service with gradual protections

Rome, July 1 (askanews) – The gradual protection service comes into force today for non-vulnerable Italian electricity consumers: a competitive procedure has assigned, by dividing Italy into 26 territorial areas, the operator who will have to guarantee the service for the next three years to all customers who have not yet defined the transition to the free market, without prejudice to the possibility of switching to the free market at any time. The so-called protected market therefore ended on June 30, after 17 years, with the aim of completing the necessary transition to the free market for all citizens.

“This is an epochal transition,” explains Minister Gilberto Pichetto, “in the relationship between citizens and energy, which we want to continue to guide with clarity and transparency.” “Through competitive procedures,” adds the Minister, “we have guaranteed prices that are even lower than those of the protection, also expanding the number of operators able to offer the service.” “Now,” he concludes, “we will monitor and carry out every action so that the free market can express equally competitive prices as soon as possible, aiming to build offers tailored to different families, which present differences both in the methods and in the quantities of energy absorbed.”

Nothing changes for vulnerable consumers: for them, the law has provided a system that, while not preventing access to the market, takes charge of those who, due to age or particular socioeconomic situation, may have difficulty identifying the most convenient offer for them.

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