the challenge of the new mayor Nargi

the challenge of the new mayor Nargi
the challenge of the new mayor Nargi

Road you travel, pothole you find. There are different areas of Avellino that awaiting road surface repairs where, often, unfortunate drivers sacrifice the tires, rims and suspensions of their cars, especially in peripheral areas where, often, to reach them you have to improvise as real gymkhana experts.

It occurs especially in the arteries that lead to Contrada Bagnoli and Bosco dei Pretibut also in Picarelli and Contrada Chiaire. The city center also cries out for vengeance. Here, in addition to potholes and deteriorated asphalt in many places, there are areas where poor public lighting plays its part along with manholes not aligned with the road. All of this endangers the safety of pedestrians and motorists. And several serious accidents, unfortunately fatal in some cases, have been recorded in recent years. The latest in chronological order occurred on February 3rd to the detriment of a student of the Faculty of Enology, hit right at the exit of the university branch on Viale Italia. Hospitalized for months at the “Moscati”, first in intensive care in a pharmacological coma, then in neurosurgery, the young man later recovered but not without difficulty. Even at the exact point of the accident in February the road surface was not in the best conditions, nor were the horizontal road markings.

of patches, especially during 2023there have been several. Often, however, they have proved useless where a more structural intervention would have been necessary. The city is full of potholes that when it rains, and in Avellino it happens more than often, turn into real pools of mud and water. It happens from San Tommaso to rione Mazzini, to Bellizzi up to Borgo Ferrovia where, however, at least along via Francesco Tedesco, it was possible to “enjoy” the new asphalt in the summer of two years ago on the occasion of the commissioning of the light metro, which was then stopped. And there are many citizens who wonder what happened to the share of the proceeds from the hefty fines imposed in the summer months in the evening limited traffic zone of the historic center. A treasure that, by law, at least in part should have been reinvested in maintenance interventions road. According to the latest data provided by the Municipality, in particular by the litigation commission, compared to the average of road accidents recorded in the years 2017-2019, there were 620 accidents recorded in the municipal territory, up to June 2023 there was, net of the lockdown period of 2020, a decrease equal to 1/3.

And, for the record, it should be remembered that one of the last announcements by former mayor Gianluca Festa before his resignation concerned road safety, in particular that relating to public lighting. On April 8, Festa announced the installation of new low-energy street lamps and the resurfacing of the affected road sections, in particular via Selve Vecchie (on the border with Aiello), via De Vitto, contrada Archi, via Fontanatetta, via Marsico, via Seminario, via Di Guglielmo, via Roma, via Brigata Avellino, via Palombi, via De Liguori, via Tedeschi, via De Gasperi, Contrada Chiaire, contrada Sant’Eustachio, piazza Morosini, Valle and the cemetery area in Borgo Ferrovia. It will now be up to the newly elected mayor, Laura Nargi, and to the person who will fill the delicate role of councilor for public works, to map all the city’s arteries and verify where and how to intervene and with what order of priority.

On the other hand, if for the first four years the old administration had to somehow ration out maintenance interventions due to the pre-bankruptcy condition of the institution, now, according to the announcements at the end of the mandate, there should be no financial problems. The former mayor himself, in responding to the accusations of the minority regarding the huge investments in concerts and summer and Christmas events, last December replied that he had 3.5 million euros in the coffers earmarked specifically for road maintenance. Now, all that remains is to use them.


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