“Come in force and armed, I killed a person”, but it wasn’t true: reported for causing alarm

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He called the police accusing himself of themurder of a manbut it wasn’t true: for this reason a man from Vicenza was then reported by the Police Headquarters for caused alarm.

It happened last Tuesday, June 25: around 7.15 pm, when a man called 113 reporting that he had killed a person inside a apartment in via Fusinato to Vicenza, also providing the house number. He declared to the 113 operator that he was armed and that he demanded the immediate intervention of the greatest number of patrols available, specifying that the police had to be armed. However, when the 113 operator started asking him more precise questions about how the incident happened, the victim’s identity and the reasons for the gesture, the man cut off the call, saying he “didn’t have time to waste” and insisting in the request to see armed policemen as soon as possible.

The intervention of the police cars and the flying squad investigators was therefore immediate, who, in order to operate safely, implemented a cordoning off of the area, positioning themselves so as to be able to understand in which apartment the author of the report was located. .
When he was found, the man confessed that he had not committed any murder, of which there was no trace, and that he had attracted the attention of armed police because he wanted to “get it over with”. The house was searched for weapons, with negative results. The man was then accompanied to the police station and reported for causing alarm. And then he was entrusted to the health workers for a psychiatric consultation.

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