PRESS RELEASE – API ASSEMBLY PRIVATE PARTY API Novara VCO and Vercelli – 2023 budget unanimously approved – Speech by the President of Confapi Piemonte and top management of API Torino

PRESS RELEASE – API ASSEMBLY PRIVATE PARTY API Novara VCO and Vercelli – 2023 budget unanimously approved – Speech by the President of Confapi Piemonte and top management of API Torino
PRESS RELEASE – API ASSEMBLY PRIVATE PARTY API Novara VCO and Vercelli – 2023 budget unanimously approved – Speech by the President of Confapi Piemonte and top management of API Torino

(AGENPARL) – Rome, 27 June 2024

President’s speech
Mario Di Giorgio
27 June 2024 Api Novara VCO Vercelli
Dear colleagues,
It is an honor for me to address you today.
SMEs represent the beating heart of our economy, and theirs
Health is fundamental to the well-being of our country.
However, in recent years, our businesses have had to face
unprecedented challenges.
The pandemic has put the resilience of SMEs to the test,
forcing them to review their business models and adapt
quickly to a constantly evolving context.
Despite these challenges, I am proud to say that SMEs have
demonstrated an extraordinary ability to adapt and innovate.
Many have embraced digitalisation, improving their
operational efficiency and reaching new markets. Others have invested
in training its employees, recognizing the importance of
human capital as an engine of growth.
Our role, as API, has been and will continue to be that of
support SMEs at every stage of their journey. We have stepped up
our efforts to provide consultancy, training and financial tools
adequate to face current challenges. Furthermore, we are working closely
contact with institutions to ensure that the needs of SMEs are
listened to and taken into consideration in economic policies.
Looking to the future, I see many opportunities. SMEs are positioned
strategically to benefit from new market trends, such as
sustainability and technological innovation. With the right support, they are
convinced that our businesses will not only overcome the current difficulties,
but they will emerge even stronger and more competitive.
In conclusion, I want to thank each of you for your commitment and

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