Bad weather in the North, today 1 July storm warning in Emilia, Friuli and Veneto

(Adnkronos) –
Rain in the North, sun in the Center and South where temperatures will gradually begin to drop with a respite from the heat. Italy is divided in two in the weather picture that takes shape from Monday 1 July.

The bad weather, which has created major problems in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta, also extends to other northern regions: rain announced in Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and in the evening also in Emilia Romagna. The yellow warning for thunderstorms, according to the Civil Protection, is triggered in particular in Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto.

The Civil Protection bulletin refers to a deep disturbed area of ​​Atlantic origin which is the cause of instability especially in central Europe and will affect part of our northern regions, resulting in a new phase of bad weather with scattered to widespread rainfall, associated with thunderstorms locally intense.

The weather models suggest a phase of instability also for Tuesday 2 July and Wednesday 3 July, with the risk of strong thunderstorms from the North-West towards the Centre-South. The rain will be combined with a drop in temperatures: no more heat, with the possibility of even falling below seasonal averages.

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