From Canada and USA to Manfredonia: McGill University Archaeologists Revitalize Ancient Siponto

From Canada and USA to Manfredonia: McGill University Archaeologists Revitalize Ancient Siponto

Manfredonia, 27 June 2024 – A group of young and passionate archaeologists from McGill University, coming from Canada and the United States, recently concluded an extraordinary excavation campaign in ancient Siponto, bringing to light finds of inestimable historical and cultural value. Their departure from Manfredonia to return to their respective homelands was accompanied by sincere thanks from the local community, who appreciated not only their work, but also their openness and friendliness.

The adventure of these young scholars began a few months ago, when a joint project between McGill University and the Italian archaeological authorities led the group to settle in Manfredonia. The objective was ambitious: to bring to light and document new aspects of the ancient city of Siponto, a site that has always reserved great surprises for archaeologists from all over the world.

The Magic of Siponto

Siponto, once a thriving Roman and then Byzantine port, is one of the most fascinating archaeological areas in Puglia. Despite many excavation campaigns conducted over the years, the site continues to reveal buried secrets. Archaeologists at McGill University have worked intensely, under the hot summer sun and amid the logistical challenges of the site, to unearth new structures and artefacts that offer an even deeper look into the daily life and traditions of this ancient civilisation.

Teamwork and Extraordinary Discoveries

The team, made up of archeology students on their first major field project, demonstrated extraordinary dedication. Under the expert guidance of McGill professors, the young people excavated with meticulous attention, cataloged finds and conducted preliminary analyzes that will contribute to future academic publications.

Among the most significant discoveries, there are remains of public and private buildings, finely decorated ceramics, coins and everyday tools that tell stories of trade and domestic life. A particular moment of emotion was the discovery of a floor mosaic in excellent condition, which depicts scenes of marine life, symbol of the importance of Siponto as a port and commercial centre.

A Warm Goodbye

With the end of the excavation campaign, the young archaeologists said goodbye to Manfredonia, but not without leaving an indelible mark on the local community. During their stay, they had the opportunity to integrate with the inhabitants, participating in cultural events and savoring the gastronomic traditions of the region. Among these, pizza played a special role. The kids showed particular enthusiasm for local pizza, appreciating it not only as food, but as a symbol of sharing and conviviality.

Pizza: A Bond of Friendship

“Pizza always brings everyone together,” the mayor of Manfredonia said during the thanksgiving ceremony held at the town hall. “These young people have worked hard to bring our past to light, and we have welcomed them as members of our community. Their passion and appreciation for our cuisine has shown us that culture can be a bridge between nations.”

The archaeologists reciprocated the affection, expressing gratitude for the hospitality received. “It was an unforgettable experience,” said one of the students. “Not only did we learn a lot on the field, but we also felt part of a big family. Manfredonia and its people will always remain in our hearts.”

A Promising Future

The work carried out by the young archaeologists does not end with the end of the excavation campaign. The data collected and the finds found will be the subject of study and analysis in the coming years, contributing to the global knowledge of the ancient history of Siponto. Furthermore, the collaboration between McGill University and the Italian authorities will continue, with new projects already in the planning phase.


The farewell of the young archaeologists marks the end of an important chapter, but also the beginning of a promising season of international research and collaboration. Their dedication and spirit of adventure have led to extraordinary results, demonstrating how a passion for history and culture can unite people from all over the world. And in this bond, pizza played a special role, confirming that culinary traditions can be a powerful glue between different cultures.

“Thank you for everything, Manfredonia. We’ll be back!” the McGill University students promised, leaving behind a memory of friendship and collaboration that will last a long time.

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