Mucilage alert: found on almost the entire coast, Arta constantly monitors the situation

Mucilage alert: found on almost the entire coast, Arta constantly monitors the situation
Mucilage alert: found on almost the entire coast, Arta constantly monitors the situation

The Abruzzo coast has recently been affected by a phenomenon that has caused concern among swimmers: the presence of mucilage.

This aggregate of polysaccharides, also known as “organic magma”, has been detected in almost all stretches of the coast, both in suspension and on the seabed.

Mucilage on the Abruzzo coast –

Although the mucilage phenomenon can create apprehension among swimmers due to its visual and possibly annoying tactile manifestations, the competent authorities are carefully monitoring the development of the situation guaranteeing targeted interventions if it were necessary to intensify studies on this singular natural event.

The phenomenon observed by the Arta technicians

The technicians ofRegional Agency for Environmental Protection (Arta), following a report from the Coast Guard, carried out inspections along the Abruzzo coast. During these checks, carried out on 27 and 28 June, the presence of mucilage in the form of strips or lattices. The phenomenon had already been spotted three days ago about 3 miles from the coast and seems to have intensified in the last few hours.

Mucilage –

In particular, off the coast of Francavilla al Mare a significant concentration of mucilage was observed. A strip approximately 5 meters wide and tens of meters long accumulated within 300 meters of the coastline, following the current front. This event has increased apprehension among local swimmers and tourists on the coast.

Despite the visual discomfort and the annoying sensation caused by contact with the mucilage macroflakes, experts assure that there are no risks to human health. In rare cases it can cause itching, but does not represent a direct danger for those who decide to bathe in the waters affected by the phenomenon.

The abundant rains of recent weeks have enriched the sea with nutrients through river inputs. This condition, together with the high temperatures recorded recently, has favored the proliferation of phytoplankton blooms capable of secreting mucous substances as part of their natural physiological process. The phenomenon is not new: in recent days it had also been observed along the coasts of the Marche region after having come from Veneto.

The Regional Agency for Environmental Protection has announced that it will continue to carefully monitor the evolution of the situation along the Abruzzo coasts. If necessary, further sampling and in-depth analytical investigations will be carried out that will include not only biological parameters, but also chemical parameters related to nutrients and phytoplankton involved in the process.

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