“We have to raise the bar. This is what the owners want”

Corrado Of Tarantonew Director General of the Cesenawas presented today. Here’s what we learned from the club’s official website: “First of all I want to welcome everyone here. For me today it is a pride to be here in Cesena and represent this company.

I enthusiastically accepted the call of the owners and all of its members. I found employees and collaborators with important human and professional qualities and it will be a pleasure for me to work with them. This year will be important for us because it will be a year of consolidation in a difficult category; I am sure that my professionalism and my skills will make a leap forward for the company that achieved an incredible result last year.

I thank the journalists present. On my part there must be mutual respect in relationships; I thank you because even today’s presence is synonymous with great enthusiasm of a city that is responding greatly to a category that represents for Cesena a point of arrival but also of departure. I thank the fans who are signing up en masse for season tickets and are giving their trust to the company, on my part I can’t wait to work with them.

It’s true that there was a courtship; the American ownership wants to tie itself even more to the territory and I will be the link between America and Romagna. The company asked me very simply to grow the structure and to give my contribution.

I have had contact with the owners and all the members of the club; I have seen the passion and enthusiasm that they put into this project and it was the starting point for accepting. The owners are very present with all the members here in Cesena. We are a newly promoted team and – as director Artico said – a newly promoted team must consolidate itself in a difficult category like Serie B which includes important and prestigious teams. Then if there is something more I am the first to be happy. The club has given a precise budget both to the sports director and to myself. In reference to the sports part, if there are opportunities the director will be given an extra opportunity. We must strengthen the communications and marketing department because the category requires it”.

I start from the assumption that the job of the sports director is not only to buy and sell players, but also to follow a corporate line and respect a budget. For my part, my job is to know the territory and the people. There are many valid colleagues here and I appreciated them for their availability and passion. We are in a different category compared to a year ago and we have to raise the level, while maintaining our origins. My role is to coordinate a structure that is already very valid and I will ask for greater commitment from everyone because it is the category that requires it.

Knowledge of the territory means understanding what new opportunities there may be for the club. There are many things that are going well, but some need to be improved, such as the enhancement of the structures, starting for example with the club headquarters. I am satisfied at the end of the season if the entire structure grows with me, in such a way as to have made a consolidation path. This means that all the components will have a more specific role to have greater personal growth. In recent days I have received many phone calls and many attestations of how good it is to be in Cesena and in Romagna. I was lucky enough to have contacts with Marco Valentini who helped me with my integration and testifies to what it means to be from Romagna: the availability, the fact of being united for a goal and being united for the club that wants to consolidate itself in a higher category. You can perceive the passion of the fans who want to participate in the club’s successes. Unity is already half the result“.

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