Bad weather hits lower Molise, hail damages cars

Lower Molise was in the grip of bad weather from Tuesday evening until yesterday afternoon. A copious amount of precipitation “wet” the area, making it difficult to travel by one’s own means, but the damage and problems came above all from hail, which once again shows the face of climate change, with sudden changes in temperatures. Grains as big as tennis balls, those that have thrown motorists and farmers into despair, both in the centre, near via Iovine and viale Giulio Cesare, with the rear windows of the cars shattered and significant bumps on the bodywork, which have plagued this last part of June . But the critical issues also affected rural areas, with trees and crops hit by the storm and its consequences. At the Irce Cavi factory, located in the Guglionesi area, along state road 87, production was suspended for a few hours due to a fault in a pipe which prevented the flow of water resources into the factory. Despite the tens of millimeters of rainwater that fell on the area, at least this time flooding of basements and other critical issues that usually accompany waves of bad weather on the coast and in its hinterland escaped. Of course, motorists struggling with repairs won’t think so. Connections to the Tremiti Islands are suspended for the entire day.

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