the protest against damage to the countryside

Tractors in Piazza d’Italia in Sassari.

Farmers gathered with some tractors in front of Palazzo Sciuti in Sassari to protest against the serious damage caused to crops and agricultural and livestock structures by wild boars and uncontrolled wildlife. At the same time, demonstrations are also taking place in Cagliari, Nuoro And Oristano.

Coldiretti raised an alarm throughout Sardinia regarding wildlife, bringing the problem to the attention of the institutions. The demonstrations in all four garrisons began at 9.30 am, with the farmers having showed the prefects the damage caused daily from wild boars, deer, crows, nutrias and cormorants.

The farmers they asked for support and awareness about the plague that is increasingly worrying, affecting dozens of farms throughout Sardinia on a daily basis and taking on increasingly worse consequences. The tragic events on the roads, such as the Pula accidentwhich cost the life of a motorcyclist, are proof of this.

Farmers and breeders from all over the islandworried about a phenomenon that does not stop, united in the demonstration organized by Coldiretti, denouncing serious repercussions on company turnover and constant risks for safety of motorists. The requests are clear: effective measures to control wildlife and concrete support for affected companies. The protests will continue until they come made decisions concrete measures to address the problem and guarantee the safety and sustainability of the agricultural sector in Sardinia.

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