With Conte Napoli he is already dreaming of the new championship

With Conte Napoli he is already dreaming of the new championship
With Conte Napoli he is already dreaming of the new championship

A King inside the Royal Palace. It may not be the most original of sentences but it was yesterday anyway Antonio Conte in Naples. After days of gray skies the city welcomed the new coach with the sun of the best days. Spectacular location (chosen on Wednesday because it is closed to the public), technician who couldn’t wait to speak, more or less well-known people applauding. The fans, first and foremost. Outside the Royal Palace, while the rehearsals for the Radio Italia concert were taking place in Piazza Plebiscito, about three hundred of them. Conte and De Laurentiis they arrive while Rocco Hunt is singing: he asks to repeat the performance, for the coach and president it’s a good first time.

Naples, chants and mottos for Conte

The Neapolitans perform the entire repertoire: “I’ll be with you”, “He who doesn’t jump is a Juventus player” and various. They are asking for the championship, they go crazy when they catch a glimpse of the very elegant coach. Everyone thinks that «Aurelio was supposed to get it a year ago», many hope that the year without European cups will «be perfect to take back the championship». The wait is there, the pressure too, the city is full of tourists because two huge cruise ships have landed and even foreigners are intrigued by the crowd that gathers in front of the Royal Palace. Inside the rooms are spick and span and those present are given the gift shirt with Conte’s motto (“Amma is struggling“) and also a large red horn. You never know.

Naples, friends and family for Conte

In the front row for Conte there is a wife and daughter and the only moment in which the voice cracks a little is when the new Napoli coach talks about his Victory and what he wants to convey to her. Mrs. Elisabetta is dressed in cream trousers and jacket, the girl in white trousers and light blue shirt: simple, elegant, discreet. Perfect. A bit like dad Antonio on stage. Then there are, in addition to the director Manna and the CEO Chiavelli, the mayor Manfredi, the president of the Region De Luca, the director of the theater Epifani, then the Prefect and the Police Commissioner. There is no shortage of sponsors, old friends like Giulio Pazzaneseat his side in the national team, is not missing Maradona’s speakerDecibel Bellini” and there is no shortage of dozens of journalists from all over Italy and the world including the USA, England and South America. Conte speaks, does some one to one interviews, in the meantime opens the buffet inaugurated by an enraptured De Laurentiis (his son also present Edoardo, vice president). The view is top notch but for onceat least according to social media and radio, it wasn’t the best thing of the day: in Naples everyone is already crazy about Conte.

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